Get a quick orientation to the main elements and features of Looker Studio.
The home page is where you create and access all your Looker Studio assets: reports, data sources, and explorations. This article helps you find your way around Looker Studio's three primary user interfaces.
In this article:Looker Studio home page legend:
- Search. Find Looker Studio assets quickly .
- Options:
- Access Google Cloud Console (Looker Studio Pro feature) .
- Get help and feedback .
- View user settings .
- Manage your Google account .
- Create a new asset (report, data source, or exploration) .
- Asset type tabs. Display reports, data sources, or explorations.
- Create a new report.
- Tutorial and template reports.
- Filter the asset list to show recent assets, including those owned by you, those shared with you, and any assets in the trash.
- Asset list. Click an asset to view it.
- On the right, use an asset's overflow menu to share, rename, or remove it .
- Sort assets by name, owner, or date.
Find your way around the report editor
To edit a report, locate it in the asset list; view the asset; and then, in the upper right, click EDIT.
Report editor legend:
- Logo and report name. Click the logo to return to the Looker Studio home page.
- Menu bar. Many menu functions can also be accessed by right-clicking a component.
- (From left to right)
- Reset . Restore the report to its default settings.
- Share
- View . Switch between edit and view mode.
- More options
- Help .
- Manage your Google account .
- Undo | Redo .
- Selection mode .
- Zoom .
- Add page .
- Add data .
- Add a chart .
- Add a community visualization .
- Add interactive viewer controls .
- Add text, images, lines, and shapes .
- Open the Theme and layout panel.
- Visualization picker. Lets you change the selected chart's visualization type.
- Properties panel. Lets you set up and stylize the selected component.
- Data panel. Access all the data sources that are used in the report.
- Panel manager. Hide or show the Properties and Data panels.
- Table visualization, selected.
- A bar chart, not selected.
- BigQuery BI engine indicator.
Find your way around the data source editor
To edit a data source used by your report, follow these steps:
- Edit your report.
- In the menus, select Resource > Manage added data sources.
- Locate the data source in the list and then click Edit .
Data source editor legend:
- Data source name. Click to change the name.
- Version history. View and restore previous versions of the data source .
Next to version history is Share this data source with other people . - Data source options:
- Data credentials. Determines who can view the data that is provided by this data source.
- Data freshness. Balances data updates with report performance.
- Community visualizations access. Allows this data source to provide data to community visualizations.
- Field editing in reports. Lets report editors change field names and aggregations, apply analytical functions, and set field display options without needing to edit the data source.
- Make a copy of this data source.
- Create report. Create a new report from this data source.
- Explore. Create a new exploration from this data source.
- Add a field. Create a calculated field, add a custom bin, or add a custom group.
- Edit connection. The data source owner can reconnect the data source.
Filter by email address. Add row-level security to your data. - Fields. Dimensions appear in green chips, metrics in blue chips, and parameters in purple chips. Click a field to give it a new name. To perform other field actions, click More .
- Field type. Determines the kind of data that is contained in the field. Click the drop-down menu to change the type.
Changing field types can have a big impact on your reports.
- Aggregation. Determines how the field is summarized. Click the drop-down menu to change the aggregation. Fields with AUTO aggregation can't be changed.
- Description. Add a description to any field. For Looker and Search Ads 360 connections, the description is automatically populated from the data source.
When the Show field descriptions style option is enabled for table charts, users can view the field description in a tooltip. Show field descriptions is automatically enabled for charts that are connected to a Looker or Search Ads 360 data source. - Calculated fields, custom bins, and custom groups. Click fx to edit the field formula.
- Refresh fields. Click to update the data source with any structural changes that were made to the underlying dataset.
- Field count. Displays the number of fields in the data source.