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Create a thumbnail image of your report

Show people a snapshot of the report before they open it.

A thumbnail image is a smaller scale snapshot of your report. Thumbnails are useful for showing people a preview of the report's first page. Thumbnail images are stored in the cloud, so you can link to them easily, with no need to download or upload.

How thumbnails work

To display a thumbnail, append the /thumbnail endpoint to the URL of your report. This will create a scaled image of the first page of that report. For example, here's the Google Ads report template's thumbnail URL and the resulting thumbnail image:

Google Ads report template

Thumbnails are scaled to 320 px x 240 px. For long reports, the thumbnail will try to include the entire report page in those dimensions. For reports with a wide aspect ratio, such 16:9, the thumbnail will try to fit the entire height.

Update the thumbnail image

To generate a new thumbnail image, edit and then view the report.

Who can see the thumbnail?

Only people with View or Edit access to the report can see its thumbnail. In addition, the data source(s) for the report must be set to owner's or service account credentials. People without proper access see a default Looker Studio logo image instead.

Generic thumbnail

You'll also see this icon for deleted reports.

Use the thumbnail image

You can use thumbnail images in webpages by providing the report's /thumbnail URL as the src parameter of the HTML <img> tag.

Troubleshooting thumbnails

Having trouble displaying a thumbnail image? Check the following:

  • Be sure you can view the report. Thumbnails are only available for reports you can see.
  • Edit the report, then view it again. This will generate a new thumbnail image.
    If you try to access a thumbnail for an older report that hasn't been edited in a while, you may see the default logo image. Just edit the report, then view it.
  • All the data sources added to the report must use Owner's Credentials. Thumbnails can't be shown for reports whose data source uses Viewer's Credentials.

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