This policy has been updated. You can find the current policy here.
Flag inappropriate user profiles (August, 2023)
Profiles of users who are contributing false information, uploading offensive content, or taking other abusive actions that violate Google's content policies can be flagged for review. See the instructions below to flag user profiles who are contributing policy violating content on Google Maps.
Before you begin
- Check the policy. Only flag user profiles that contribute content that violates Google policies. Don't flag users that contribute content you don't like but is still factually accurate and relevant. Google doesn't get involved when merchants and customers disagree about facts, since there's no reliable way to discern who's right about a particular customer experience. Read the policy before flagging user profiles.
Flag inappropriate user profiles
You can flag user profiles who are contributing policy violating content for removal from Maps using a mobile device.
To flag a user profile using the Google Maps Android app:
- Open the Google Maps Android app.
- Find a contribution from the profile that you’d like to flag.
- Tap on the user name of the profile.
- Tap More report profile.
To flag a user profile using the Google Maps iOS app:
- Open the Google Maps iOS app.
- Find a contribution from the profile that you’d like to flag.
- Tap on the user name of the profile.
- Tap More report.