Integrate products

Integration Center gives you the opportunity to link products to one another so they can share data. For example:

  • Display & Video 360 and Universal Analytics 360: export Display & Video 360 campaign data to Analytics; export Analytics audiences to Display & Video 360
  • Search Ads 360 and Universal Analytics 360: export Search Ads 360 campaign data to Analytics; export Analytics conversion data to Search Ads 360
  • Universal Analytics 360 and Google Ads: export Analytics audiences, conversions, and site data to Ads; export Ads conversions to Analytics

More information about each integration is available on the related card in Integration Center.

You cannot use Integration Center to link Google Analytics 4 properties to other products. You create those links in Admin for each Google Analytics 4 property. Learn more
In this article:

Types of integrations

In Google Marketing Platform, you can create a variety of integrations, for example:

  • Integrations between products within the Marketing Platform:
    • Display & Video 360 and Universal Analytics 360
    • Universal Analytics 360 and Tag Manager
  • Integrations between Platform products and other Google products
    • Display & Video 360 and Ads
    • Analytics 360 and BigQuery
  • Integrations between Platform products and third-party products:
    • Search Ads 360 and Bing
    • Search Ads 360 and Yahoo Gemini


To create product integrations:

  • At a minimum, you need to be an administrator for the account from which you initiate the integration. For example, if you want to initiate a Display & Video 360 - Analytics 360 integration, then you need to be an administrator for the Display & Video 360 account.
  • If you're an administrator on both accounts, you can complete the integration.
  • If you're an administrator on only the first account, then you have the option to send an email notice to administrators of the second account so they can approve or reject the request for the integration.

Open Integration Center

  1. Sign in to Google Marketing Platform.
  2. Click Integration Center.

The first panel lists all of your current integrations.

Create a new integration

  1. On the Integration Center panel, click Add integration.
  2. You can choose from popular integrations, or click a product tab to see which integrations are available for that product.
  3. On the slat for the integration you want, click Add integration.
  4. Follow the instructions on the panel.

    The process varies for each product. In some cases, you first choose the product object that will be sharing data, like an Analytics property. In all cases, click the link to the product to complete the integration.

    In each panel, there's a learn-more link to the specific documentation you need.

Check the status of integration requests / Withdraw requests

If you needed to send a request to the administrator of another product, you can check the status of that request.

  1. Sign in to Google Marketing Platform.
  2. Click Integration Center.
  3. On the All current integrations list, click More > View all integration requests.

    You can see:

    Needs attention: Requests that require an action. Click a request to see details.

    All pending: All requests that haven't been approved or rejected yet. You can withdraw requests in this state.

    All requests: All requests that need attention or are pending.

Integration Center identifies integrations you can make between your Google Ads accounts and your Analytics accounts to improve your return on ad spend.

To see the recommendations:

  1. On the Integration center panel, click Recommendations.
  2. For each integration, click Down Arrow to see specific information about why the recommendation was made (for example, because you've created audiences in your Analytics account that would benefit your Google Ads campaigns).
  3. Click Update and follow the prompts to complete the integration.

Edit an integration

  1. On the Integration center panel, under All current integrations, click the type of integration you want to edit (e.g., Google Ads + Analytics 360).

    The panel that opens has two tabs, one for each type of product object. For example, the panel for the Google Ads + Analytics 360 integration has tabs for:
    • The Ads accounts that are currently integrated with Analytics properties
    • The Analytics properties that are currently integrated with Ads accounts

    You can edit the integration from either perspective. For example, if you have an Ads account that you want to integrate with more Analytics properties, start with the Ads-accounts tab. If you have an Analytics property that you want to integrate with more Ads accounts, start with the Analytics-properties tab.
  2. Click the object you want to edit, for example, an Ads account.
  3. A panel opens with a list of all integrated objects. For example, if you click an Ads account, the panel lists all of the Analytics properties that are integrated with that account.
  4. Click Configure under the object to edit the integration with that object.

    For example, you can edit the integration with an Analytics property to include more or fewer reporting views in that property.

    Follow the links to edit the integration in the context of the product.
  5. Click Add integration to integrate a new object.

    For example, if you're starting with an Ads account, you can integrate a new Analytics property; if you're starting with an Analytics property, you can integrate a new Ads account.

    Follow the links to add the new object in the context of the product.

Delete an integration

  1. On the Integration center panel, under All current integrations, click the type of integration you want to delete (e.g., Google Ads + Analytics 360).

    The panel that opens has two tabs, one for each type of product object. For example, the panel for the Google Ads + Analytics 360 integration has tabs for:
    • The Ads accounts that are currently integrated with Analytics properties
    • The Analytics properties that are currently integrated with Ads accounts
    You can delete the integration from either perspective. For example, if you have an Ads account whose integration with Analytics properties you want to delete, start with the Ads-accounts tab. If you have an Analytics property whose integration with Ads accounts you want to delete, start with the Analytics-properties tab.
  2. Click the object you want to edit, for example, an Ads account.
  3. A panel opens with a list of all integrated objects. For example, if you click an Ads account, the panel lists all of the Analytics properties that are integrated with that account.
  4. Click Configure under the object to delete integrations with that object.

    Follow the links to delete the integration in the context of the product.

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