
В этом Справочном центре сейчас содержатся преимущественно статьи о Merchant Center Next. Вы также можете узнать больше о переходе на новую версию и найти ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы.

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Coupon value type [coupon_value_type]

A custom icon for Merchant Center Classic and Merchant Center Next.

Use the coupon value type [coupon_value_type] attribute to signal the type of promotion that you are running. This allows Google to perform a more automated review process, which can expedite the approval of your promotion.

When to use

Optional Optional for all promotions.


Follow these formatting guidelines to make sure we understand the data you're submitting.


Unicode characters (Recommended: ASCII only)

Repeated field


File format

Example entry

Text feeds

Supported values:

  • no_structured_data
  • money_off
  • percent_off
  • buy_m_get_n_money_off
  • buy_m_get_percent_off
  • buy_m_get_money_off
  • free_gift
  • free_gift_with_value
  • free_gift_with_item_id
  • free_shipping_standard
  • free_shipping_overnight
  • free_shipping_two_day
  • free_shipping_with_shipping_config

XML feeds


When you use the coupon value type [coupon_value_type] attribute, you may also need to add additional attributes depending on the value you submit. For example, if you submit the value “money_off”, you must also use the monetary discount amount of a promotion [money_off_amount] attribute.

The following list of supported values shows the required and optional attributes for each:

No structured data [no_structured_data]

  • Required attributes: None
  • Optional attributes: Minimum purchase amount [minimum_purchase_amount], minimum purchase quantity for promotion [buy_this_quantity], maximum purchase quantity for promotion [limit_quantity], maximum product price for promotion [limit_value], price for promotion [promotion_price], monetary discount amount of a promotion [money_off_amount], percentage discount amount [percent_off], quantity eligible for promotion [get_this_quantity_discounted], free gift monetary value [free_gift_value], free gift item ID [free_gift_item_id], free gift description [free_gift_description]

Money off [money_off]

  • Required attributes: Monetary discount amount of a promotion [money_off_amount]
  • Optional attributes: Minimum purchase amount [minimum_purchase_amount]

Percentage discount amount [percent_off]

  • Required attributes: Percentage discount amount [percent_off]
  • Optional attributes: Minimum purchase amount [minimum_purchase_amount]

Buy M get N money off [buy_m_get_n_money off]

  • Required attributes: Monetary discount amount of a promotion [money_off_amount], minimum purchase quantity for promotion [buy_this_quantity], quantity eligible for promotion [get_this_quantity_discounted]
  • Optional attributes: None

Buy M get N percent off [buy_m_get_n_percent_off]

  • Required attributes: Percentage discount amount [percent_off], minimum purchase quantity for promotion [buy_this_quantity], quantity eligible for promotion [get_this_quantity_discounted]
  • Optional attributes: None

Buy M get money off [buy_m_get_money_off]

  • Required attributes: Monetary discount amount of a promotion [money_off_amount], minimum purchase quantity for promotion [buy_this_quantity]
  • Optional attributes: None

Buy M get percent off [buy_m_get_percent_off]

  • Required attributes: Percentage discount amount [percent_off], minimum purchase quantity for promotion [buy_this_quantity]
  • Optional attributes: None

Free gift [free_gift]

  • Required attributes: Free gift description [free_gift_description]
  • Optional attributes: Minimum purchase amount [minimum_purchase_amount], minimum purchase quantity for promotion [buy_this_quantity]

Free gift monetary value [free_gift_with_value]

  • Required attributes: Free gift monetary value [free_gift_value]
  • Optional attributes: Minimum purchase amount [minimum_purchase_amount], minimum purchase quantity for promotion [buy_this_quantity]

Free gift item ID [free_gift_with_item_id]

  • Required attributes: Free gift item ID [free_gift_item_id]
  • Optional attributes: Minimum purchase amount [minimum_purchase_amount], minimum purchase quantity for promotion [buy_this_quantity]

Free shipping standard [free_shipping_standard]

  • Required attributes: None
  • Optional attributes: Free shipping type [free_shipping_type], minimum purchase amount [minimum_purchase_amount], minimum purchase quantity for promotion [buy_this_quantity]

Free shipping overnight [free_shipping_overnight]

  • Required attributes: None
  • Optional attributes: Free shipping type [free_shipping_type], minimum purchase amount [minimum_purchase_amount], minimum purchase quantity for promotion [buy_this_quantity]

Free shipping two day [free_shipping_two_day]

  • Required attributes: None
  • Optional attributes: Free shipping type [free_shipping_type], minimum purchase amount [minimum_purchase_amount], minimum purchase quantity for promotion [buy_this_quantity]

Free shipping with shipping config [free_shipping_with_shipping_config]

  • Required attributes: None
  • Optional attributes: None

To format your data for Content API, see the Content API for Shopping resource.


A promotion that takes $5 off of your orders  



Promotion ID [promotion_id]


Promotion title [long_title]

$5 Off Friday

Coupon value type [coupon_value_type]


Monetary discount amount of a promotion [money_off_amount]

5.00 USD

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