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Set up regions

A custom icon for Merchant Center Next articles

If you're looking for information on how to Set up regions in the classic Merchant Center experience, click here.

On this page

How regions work

Regions are used to create custom areas within the countries. The areas can be used to set up shipping costs, delivery time, or regional availability and pricing, depending on the availability for your country.

Country Regional availability and pricing Shipping cost and transit times based on custom areas
Argentina Available (Beta)  
Australia Available Available by state, postal code
Austria Available (Beta)  
Brazil Available Available by state, postal code
Canada Available (Beta) Available by postal code only
Chile Available (Beta)  
Columbia Available (Beta)  
Czech Republic Available (Beta)  
Denmark Available (Beta)  
France Available Available by state, postal code
Germany Available (Beta) Available by region, postal code
Great Britain Available (Beta) Available by postal code only
Hungary Available (Beta)  
India Available (Beta) Available by state, postal code
Indonesia Available (Beta)  
Italy Available (Beta)  
Japan Available (Beta) Available by prefecture only
Malaysia Available (Beta)  
Mexico Available (Beta)  
the Netherlands Available (Beta)  
New Zealand Available (Beta) Available by state, postal code
Norway Available (Beta)  
Pakistan Available (Beta)  
Peru Available (Beta)  
Philippines Available (Beta)  
Romania Available (Beta)  
Russia Available  
South Africa Available (Beta)  
South Korea Available (Beta)  
Spain Available (Beta)  
Sweden Available (Beta)  
Thailand Available (Beta)  
United States Available Available by state, postal code
Vietnam Available  

Creating custom areas is not the only way to set shipping costs for specific areas within the countries. You may also specify states, regions, territory, or prefectures depending on the countries using the advanced shipping cost settings. Learn more about Setting up shipping settings.


If you’re located on the east coast of the United States, you may notice higher costs and extended transit times when shipping orders to the west coast. To account for these higher costs and extended transit times, you could set up a specific region for the west coast, and associate a longer transit time and higher shipping rate on deliveries to that region.
Note: When setting up fast and free shipping, ensure that the regional availability settings are accounted for.


Activate the “Regions” Add-on

Step 1In your Merchant Center account, click the Settings and tools icon Tools and setting menu icon [Gear].
Step 2Select Add-ons.
  • Note: If your target country is eligible for regional availability and pricing, you’ll be able to activate the “Regions” add-on.
Step 3Click Add on the “Regions” add-on card.

After activation, you can navigate to the “Regions” page by selecting “Business Info” from the left navigation menu and clicking the “Regions” tab.

Create a new region

Step 1In your Merchant Center account, select Business Info Business from the left navigation menu.
Step 2Select the Regions tab.

Step 3Click Add region to create a new region.

Step 4Enter values for “Region ID”, “Region name”, and “Country”. Region ID needs to be unique for each region and can be alphanumeric (minimum of 5 characters).

  • Note: Region name helps you identify the geographical area you want to include in your region. Use the drop-down menu beside “Country” to select which country this region will apply to.

Step 5Create your region using postal codes or states/provinces. To use postal codes, enter one entry per line in any of the following styles:

  • A postal code (for example, 75008)
  • A range of postal codes (for example, 2000-2500)
  • A range of postal codes using a prefix with a wildcard ( * ) (for example, 94*)
  • A range of postal codes using 2 prefixes with wildcards ( * ), using the same number of digits for both prefixes (for example, 94*-95*).
  • Note: There’s a limit of 25k postal code entries per account (a range of postal codes is considered one entry). To use states/provinces, select the correct ones.

Step 5Click Add and click Save to finish creating the region.

Edit a region

Step 1In your Merchant Center account, select Business Info Business from the left navigation menu.

Step 2Select the Regions tab.

Step 3To edit the Region name or Region ID, edit the text in the relevant field.

  • Note: You’ll need to separately update the region ID in your regional inventory feed.

Step 4To edit the geographic area:

  • Postal Codes:
    • Add new codes exactly as when creating a region with one range per line. Click Add postal codes.
    • To remove a postal code, click the X next to it or click Clear all to remove all postal codes.
  • States/Provinces:
    • Select or deselect the check boxes.

Step 5 Click Save to finish editing the region.

Remove a region

Before you can remove a region, make sure that it's no longer in use.

Step 1In your Merchant Center account, select Business Info Business from the left navigation menu.

Step 2Select the Regions tab.

Step 3Click the Trash icon next to the name of the region in the “Region name” column, then click Confirm.

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