Sort your documents into useful albums

You can use Google Photos to automatically sort your documents into useful albums like ID, receipts, and event information.

Find your document albums

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. Click Documents.

Tip: If document albums aren’t there, you can:

  • Make sure you’ve turned on backup. Document albums are only available for backed up photos. Learn how to turn backup on or off.
  • Check back later. It takes some time to sort documents into their albums.

Turn automatic archive on or off

Important: The age of your photo is counted from the date it was created and not when it was shared.

When you turn on auto-archive, photos of your documents older than 30 days are hidden from your Photos view. They’re only available in the document albums. If you turn off auto-archive, any items archived earlier will remain archived. Learn how to unarchive items.

To turn auto-archive on or off:

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. Click Documents.
  3. Select a document album.
  4. Turn Archive after 30 days on or off.

Tip: To manually archive individual photos from an album, hover over a photo and click Select . At the top, click More options More and then Archive.

Manage your document albums

Change the category of a photo
  1. On your computer, go to
  2. From a document album, select a photo.
  3. At the top, click the category label. For example, "Receipts."
  4. Click Change categories.
  5. Select a new document album to move the photo to.
Add a photo to a document album
  1. On your computer, go to
  2. Click a photo.
  3. At the top, click More options More and then Add to Documents.
  4. Select the document album you want to add the photo to.

To add multiple photos to a document album at once:

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. Hover over a photo.
  3. Click Select .
  4. Click all of the photos you want to select.
  5. At the top, click Add to Add and then Documents.
  6. Select the document album you want to add the photo to.

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