Assign, remove, and replace assets

Use assets in a creative

You can use the same asset for more than one creative.

  1. Go to the Creatives tab, then select the creative you want to add assets to.

    • Click Add assets to choose assets from Asset Library.

    • To choose assets from your computer, click Upload assets. Studio keeps a copy of your uploaded assets in the Asset Library so you can use them in other campaigns.

  2. In your HTML file, you can load Asset Library assets into the creative the same way you load other assets, since they're in the same root folder as your creative. In the example below, filename.png is the name of an asset stored in Asset Library.


    <img id="myImage" src="filename.png" title="My Image Asset">


    #myImage { background: url('filename.png') no-repeat }


    When you upload assets, Studio adds a unique identifier at the beginning of your file name. When you load assets with JavaScript, use the getUrl method to get the hosted file URL from Asset Library.
    var myImage = document.getElementById('myimage');
    myImage.src = Enabler.getUrl('filename.png');

If you use Google Web Designer, you can sign in to your Studio account in the Library panel and drag and drop assets directly into your creative.

Remove assets

To remove assets from your folders, select the checkbox next to the asset name and click Remove. To avoid removing assets that are in use, you can't remove assets from creative folders added by Studio.

Replace assets

Asset Library automatically replaces existing assets when you upload files with the same name and size. You can also replace multiple assets at the same time. If the asset is used in multiple creatives, the asset will also be replaced in all of those creatives.

Assets will only be overwritten in the same folder. If the same asset was uploaded separately in another folder, it will not be overwritten there.

To update a live campaign with new assets, traffic the creative again.

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