Dynamic Search Ads for Yahoo! JAPAN Ads

 This article applies only to Yahoo! JAPAN Ads accounts in the new Search Ads 360.

Campaign settings

Setting Description
Enter the domain

The root part of your website address, such as example.com. Website domains typically end with a dot “.” followed by 2-3 letters, like “.com” or “.jp.” Subdomains, like shop.example.com, are also accepted here.

Your website domain lets Yahoo! JAPAN Ads find individual pages, create ads for each of your pages, and match searches with those ads—based on content from your website.

Select the language of the Dynamic Search Ads within this campaign

Choose the language of the pages from your website that you want Yahoo! JAPAN Ads to find, create ads for, and match searches with.

If your website contains pages in multiple languages and you want to make ads in all of those languages, create a new campaign for each language. Remember to match the language of the ads’ description text that you provide with this language so the automatically generated headlines and description lines are consistent.

Select a targeting source

Specify which webpages should be used to target your ads.

By default, we’ll use the webpages in Yahoo Japan's index of your website. You can change this setting to use webpages from a page feed you’ve uploaded. To get maximum reach, you can use webpages from both Yahoo! JAPAN Ads's index and your page feed.

Ad group settings

Setting Description
Categories recommended for your website

Use dynamic target categories recommended for your website to select several pages that match a specific theme for your targeting goals.

You can also exclude pages on your website that you don't want to be used for generating your ads.

Specific webpages

Include specific pages from your website domain based on their category, page content, page title, or URL. You can select different bids for different sections of your website or exclude pages on your website that you don’t want to be used for generating your ads.

All webpages Generate Dynamic Search Ads based on all webpages available in your website domain.

Ad settings

Setting Description
Final URL

landing page is dynamically selected for your ad based on whether its content matches the search phrase that caused your ad to show.

Since landing pages are dynamically selected, you should only edit the landing page URL to insert ValueTrack parameters for tracking purposes.
Headline Yahoo! JAPAN Ads dynamically generates this headline, taking it from content on your website and the search phrase that caused your ad to show.
Display URL To create the Display URL in your expanded dynamic search ad, Yahoo! JAPAN Ads will combine the domain of your landing page with dynamically generated path text. 
Description Enter more details about your product or service.
Tracking template

Tracking templates contain URLs that send measurement data to one or more tracking services when someone clicks your ad. You can add tracking templates at different levels in your account. The templates at lower levels override templates from higher up.

If a tracking template already contains the Search Ads 360 tracking URL, completely remove the Search Ads 360 URL before adding another URL. After you save your changes, Search Ads 360 reformats the template so its tracking URL comes first and the additional URL comes next.

Final URL suffix

This will be added to the end of your final URL. A Final URL suffix contains URL parameters that your site uses for tracking purposes. Parameters that determine the content of a page should be added to the Final URL, and parameters used by tracking services should be added to a tracking template.

Example: param1=value1&param2=value2

Custom parameter A URL parameter that you can define. They can be used in your final URL and tracking template.

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