About Templates

This article describes the full Templates feature functionality, which will be released in phases. Learn more about Templates functionality.

Templates leverage powerful configuration and automation functionality to create and manage campaigns that display dynamic ads targeted to a specific set of criteria. You can control, adjust, and monitor output to allocate traffic across multiple advertising platforms based on a single template.

Templates help you do the following:

  • Market a lot of inventory that changes frequently with a low level of intervention.
  • Quickly launch seasonal promotions.
  • Deploy ads across multiple advertising platforms using a single template.


Electronics Inc. needs a scalable way to advertise more than 100,000 products with more than 1,000 brands that have constantly changing pricing and availability. Campaign and ad customization and reporting by brand is important.


About Templates functionality

Templates allows you to do the following:

  • Connect feeds from Google Merchant Center, including from Google Merchant Center multi-client accounts, which provides a single point of access to data from all of those individual accounts.
  • Create cross-account, cross-advertising platform templates available at the sub-manager account level, which allow you to apply templates across your client accounts.

Create custom columns based on feed data that can be used in any template.

  • Eliminate rework by using the same templates for multiple markets, advertising strategies, or promotions.
  • Keep your templates healthy and manage your campaign entities at scale by easily reviewing and fixing errors.

Related functionality from the previous Search Ads 360

Templates is the replacement feature for the previous Search Ads 360 Inventory Management, Ad Builder, and Feed-driven Business Data tables features. Templates provides a near-equivalent set of features and features that are new for Templates, like cross-client account, cross-client type templates.

Release schedule

The following table describes the Templates functionality and availability:

Availability Functionality

Currently available














  • Advertising platforms: Google Ads,Microsoft Advertising, Yahoo! Japan Ads
  • Templates
    • Campaigns with embedded location
    • Ad groups
    • Responsive search ads (RSA)
    • Keyword
    • Negative keyword
    • Sitelink
    • Plan
    • Google Merchant Center MCA support for template references
  • Group by match type option for campaigns and ad groups.
  • Feeds
  • Feed custom columns and template referencing of feed custom columns
  • Management
    • Cross-client account, cross-client type templates
    • Control whether or not templates’ entities can be automatically updated
    • When items are no longer found in the feed, the template will remove the related managed entities
    • Error management
    • All related settings (budget, location, start and end dates, keywords, headlines, and descriptions)
    • Bid strategies for Search Ads 360 and Google Ads
    • Campaign conversion goals for Search Ads 360 and Google Ads
    • Campaign attribution-model configuration
    • Label association
    • Custom-dimension association
    • Google Merchant Center feed support for both individual accounts and multi-client accounts (MCA)

Available in 2023

  • Templates
    • Feed-driven custom dimensions

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