View change history for campaign groups and plans

You can use change history to review information about changes made to campaign group and plan settings, including the following:

  • The date the items were created
  • Whether the campaign group contains campaigns or is empty
  • If a budget bid strategy has been enabled in a plan
  • Changes to a plan's date range

View campaign group or plan change history

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. In the left page menu, click Change history
    • The report lists every change that occurred at the sub-manager level and lower.
  4. Select a time range in the dropdown below the toolbar.
  5. To filter the “Change” column to view changes to campaign groups and performance targets, do the following:
    1. Above the reporting table, click Add Filter.
    2. Select Item changed.
    3. Select Campaign group or Performance target
    4. Click Apply.
  6. Select the checkbox of the changes you want to view.

To see the details and results of bulk edits made to an account, do the following:

  1. Above the reporting table, click Add filter.
  2. Select Tool.
  3. Select Bulk edits
  4. Click Apply.


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