GA4 % engaged sessions column

The % engaged sessions column is the percentage of sessions where users were engaged (engaged sessions / all sessions (engaged + unengaged). This means that users were active for a certain amount of time (default is 10 seconds). The % engaged sessions metric is the inverse of Bounce rate. Learn more

This column is available after you link your Search Ads 360 sub-manager account to a Google Analytics 4 property.

Google Analytics 4 measures the percentage of engaged sessions. An engaged session is a user visit that lasts 10 seconds or longer, or a visit with 1 or more conversion events or 2 or more page views.  If a user doesn't have an engaged session (that is, they don't meet any of the criteria for an engaged session), then Google Analytics 4 counts the session as a bounce. 

You can view a pre-defined report, or create a custom report, and add the GA4 % engaged sessions column to your report. 

Add this column to your report

Select one of the following options to add this column to a report: 

You will see the added metrics column in the report table. You may need to scroll horizontally to display the added column.

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