Edit the downloaded bulksheet

To upload conversions via a bulk edit, edit the Conversion events report you downloaded as described in the following sections.

Add Floodlight conversions

Add a Floodlight conversion and attribute it to a visit using just the click ID.

Google generates a click ID (gclid) to identify the click that starts a visit. Use click ID to attribute a conversion to a specific visit (and therefore to the ad, keyword, or other item from which the visit started). Depending on what you plan to do with the uploaded conversion, you may need to use the click ID to attribute the conversion instead of using the other methods described on this page.

You can find the click ID from the advertiser's web logs. The new Search Ads 360 adds it to the landing-page URL just before redirecting to the advertiser's site. You can also find click IDs in the "Visit external click ID" or "Conversion external click ID" columns of the Conversion events report.

You can only attribute conversions to click IDs that are less than 90 days old. The Conversion events report doesn't include click IDs older than 90 days. Your web logs may include old click IDs, but they can't be used to attribute conversions.

Upload your conversions using the "Conversions" tab only. Using the "Bulk actions" tab for uploading conversions may trigger an error.

Add a conversion and attribute it to the click ID

  1. Add a new row to the report.
  2. Add a column to the report and name it "Click ID".
  3. Add information to the following columns:
In this column... Specify...
Row type Conversion
Action Add
Status Active
Click ID The click ID you copied from the "advertiser's web logs", the "Visit external click ID", or the "Conversion external click" ID column of the Conversion events report.
Advertiser Conversion ID Optionally, specify a unique ID for the conversion, such as an order number, transaction identifier, or other type of identifier that is meaningful to you. If you leave this column empty, the new Search Ads 360 automatically supplies a value when you upload the bulksheet. Learn more.
Conversion revenue If you’re adding a transaction conversion, enter an amount.

If you’re adding an action conversion, leave this column empty.

Conversion quantity Optionally, specify the number of items in a conversion. Format this number in millis (multiply the number of items by 1000). For example, to specify that a user subscribed to 3 newsletters in a conversion, specify 3000 for Conversion quantity.
Conversion timestamp Specify the time of the conversion. You can specify time in the new Search Ads 360 sub-manager time zone (listed in client-account settings) or in UTC. See timestamp format below.
Floodlight activity ID & Floodlight activity name This column specifies the Floodlight activity that recorded the conversion. Copy the appropriate Floodlight activity ID from an existing conversion and paste it into the new row. Use the "Floodlight activity name" column to help you identify the activity.

If the Floodlight activity isn’t in the report you downloaded, you can specify the Floodlight activity name in the "Floodlight activity name" column and leave the "Floodlight activity ID" column empty.

Device segment Optionally, specify the type of device on which the conversion occurred. Valid values are:
  • Desktop
  • Other device
  • Tablet
  • High end mobile
Conversion type Action or transaction
Client account currency If you’re adding a transaction conversion that uses a currency other than US dollars, specify the currency code here or include the "Account ID" column and specify the ID of the client account that generated the click.

If you specify neither a client account currency nor an Account ID, the new Search Ads 360 assumes the currency of a transaction is US dollars. If your site uses something other than US dollars, specify the currency code in this column.

Customer ID Refers to the customer ID at the client account level only. It is required if you are using a multi-client account upload.
Ad user data consent

This boolean value represents consent for core platform services (CPS) preferences in settings. This column can have the following values:

  • Granted- The desired consent status is to grant.
  • Denied- The desired consent status is to deny. The CPS list is empty. This value also means that conversions won't be attributed and won't be present or usable.

The default value is unset.

The following IDs are also optional:

  • Conversion Visit ID
  • Keyword ID
  • Ad ID
  • Ad Group ID
  • Campaign ID
  • Client Account ID

Add a conversion and attribute it to a visit

  1. Add a new row to the report.
  2. Add information to the following columns:
In this column... Specify...
Row type Conversion
Action Add
Status Active

Keyword ID
Ad Group ID
Campaign ID
Client Account ID

Copy these values from an existing row that describes the visit and paste into the new row.
Advertiser Conversion ID Optionally specify a unique ID for the conversion, such as an order number, transaction identifier, or other type of identifier that is meaningful to you. If you leave this column empty, the new Search Ads 360 automatically supplies a value when you upload the bulksheet. Learn more.
Conversion revenue

If you’re adding a transaction conversion, enter an amount.

If you’re adding an action conversion, leave this column empty.

Conversion quantity Optionally, specify the number of items in a conversion. Format this number in millis (multiply the number of items by 1000). For example, to specify that a user subscribed to 3 newsletters in a conversion, specify 3000 for Conversion quantity.
Conversion Visit ID Copy the "Conversion Visit ID" from an existing row that describes the visit and paste it into the new row.
Conversion timestamp Specify the time of the conversion. You can specify time in the new Search Ads 360 sub-manager time zone (listed in client-account settings) or in UTC. See timestamp format below.
Conversion visit timestamp Copy the Conversion visit timestamp from an existing row that describes the visit and paste it into the new row.

If you specify a conversion visit timestamp, you're required to also specify "Client Account ID". Otherwise, the time is converted to UTC.

Floodlight activity ID & Floodlight activity name This column specifies the Floodlight activity that recorded the conversion. Copy the appropriate Floodlight activity ID from an existing conversion and paste it into the new row. Use the "Floodlight activity name" column to help you identify the activity.

If the Floodlight activity isn’t in the report you downloaded, you can specify the Floodlight activity name in the "Floodlight activity name" column and leave the "Floodlight activity ID" column empty.

Device segment Optionally specify the type of device on which the conversion occurred. Valid values are:
  • Desktop
  • Mobile
  • Tablet
  • Other
Conversion type Action or transaction
Customer ID Refers to the customer ID at the client account level only. It is required if you are using a multi-client account upload.
Ad user data consent

This boolean value represents consent for core platform services (CPS) preferences in settings. This column can have the following values:

  • Granted- The desired consent status is to grant.
  • Denied- The desired consent status is to deny. The CPS list is empty.

The default value is unset.

Duplicate conversions

The new Search Ads 360 doesn't stop you from attributing more than one offline conversion to the same timestamp, click ID, and Floodlight activity.

To prevent duplicate conversions, always specify an "Advertiser Conversion ID". The new Search Ads 360 uses the "Advertiser Conversion ID" to uniquely identify a conversion. If you don't already have conventions for generating an "Advertiser Conversion ID", consider combining the click ID, timestamp, and Floodlight conversion action name into a single string. This combination is likely to be unique within a single advertiser.


If you upload a bulksheet with the following duplicate rows, the new Search Ads 360 attributes two conversions to the "Call center" Floodlight activity:

Action Status Click ID Advertiser

Conversion ID

Conversion timestamp Floodlight

activity ID



Add Active 123456   2015-03-08 02:32:30 Call center Action
Add Active 123456   2015-03-08 02:32:30 Call center Action

However, if you upload a bulksheet with the following duplicate rows, the new Search Ads 360 attributes one conversion to the "Call center" Floodlight activity, because the "Advertiser Conversion IDs" are the same:



Click ID Advertiser

Conversion ID

Conversion timestamp Floodlight

activity ID



Add Active 123456 123456_2015-03-08_02:32:30_


2015-03-08 02:32:30 Call center Action
Add Active 123456 123456_2015-03-08_02:32:30_


2015-03-08 02:32:30 Call center Action

Edit an existing conversion

To edit an existing conversion, download the conversion in a Conversion events report and change a value in any of the following columns:

  • Conversion revenue (for transaction conversions only).
  • Client Account Currency (for transaction conversions only): Changes the currency of the transaction. Specify the currency in the ISO 4217 alphabetic (3-char) format. For example, EUR for Euro.
  • Conversion quantity: The number of items in a conversion. Format this number in millis (multiply the number of items by 1000). For example, to specify that a user subscribed to 3 newsletters in a conversion, specify 3000 for Conversion quantity.
  • Device segment.

The new Search Ads 360 does not support changing the following:

  • The conversion timestamp.
  • The conversion type.
  • The keyword, ad, or visit that is attributed for the conversion.
  • The Floodlight activity or activity name.
  • The Conversion ID or Advertiser Conversion ID.

However, you can always remove a conversion and upload a new one with the updated date, type, or Floodlight activity.

Starting from a empty bulksheet

While it's standard practice to edit a conversion by downloading the conversion and updating the data in its columns, you can start from an empty bulksheet. Make sure the bulksheet provides data in the following minimal columns to identify the conversion:

  • Advertiser conversion ID
  • Conversion timestamp
  • Client Account ID
  • Conversion type
  • One of the following:
    • Click ID if the conversion was attributed to a visit, click, or DSA target
    • Keyword ID if the conversion was attributed to a keyword (or keyword and ad)
All of the columns above need to specify the same IDs, timestamp, and type that were specified when the conversion was created.

You also need the following columns:

  • Row type set to conversion
  • Action set to edit
Be sure to include the column with the data you want to change.

Remove an existing conversion

To delete a conversion, you'll only need either the Advertiser conversion ID or the conversion ID. You don't have to provide both. After you have the required ID, download the conversion in a Conversion events report and follow these steps:

  1. In the "Action" column, enter "deactivate".
  2. In the "Status" column, enter "removed".

Timestamp formats

Use any of the following ISO 8601 formats in a timestamp column:

  • To specify time in the new Search Ads 360 sub-manager time zone:
    • yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss
    • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    • yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS
    • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS
  • If you're uploading a Microsoft Excel sheet, set the column formatting to text.
  • To specify time in UTC (also known as "Zulu" time or "Greenwich Mean Time"):
    • yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'
    • yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'
  • If you're uploading a Microsoft Excel sheet, set the column formatting to date.
If the client account's time zone is Eastern Standard Time, the following two timestamps are equivalent:
  • 2015-03-08 02:32:30
  • 2015-03-08T07:32:30Z

Conversion IDs

Each conversion has two unique IDs:

  • "Advertiser Conversion ID": You can use this ID to specify an order number, transaction identifier, or other type of identifier that is meaningful to you. Don't place any PII in this field.

    The new Search Ads 360 requires the advertiser conversion ID to be unique for a given date and scope.

    If you leave this column empty, the new Search Ads 360 automatically supplies a value when you upload the bulksheet to the new Search Ads 360.
If you attribute two conversions to an ad, the advertiser conversion IDs need to be unique for a given date, account, campaign, ad group, keyword, and ad. If you attribute two conversions to a campaign, the advertiser conversion IDs just need to be unique for a given date, account, and campaign. The new Search Ads 360 reports an error when you upload a bulksheet with duplicate IDs.
  • "Conversion ID": The new Search Ads 360 generates this ID to identify the conversion.

    Because this ID is a somewhat randomly generated string not guaranteed to be unique, you may want to supply your own ID in the "Advertiser Conversion ID" column.

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