Baidu ad group settings

This article applies only to Baidu accounts in the new Search Ads 360. For the most up-to-date information about Baidu, see the Baidu Help Center
Adjust your ad group settings to help you tailor your ad group. The settings you select will apply to all ads within the same ad group. Learn how to Create and edit ad groups.
Setting Description
Ad group type

This value is display-only and reflects the type you selected at the campaign level. The type determines where customers view your ads.

Ad group name Enter a name for your ad group. Choose a name that clearly describes the theme of the ad group so that you can easily find it in your account. Your ad group name isn't visible to your customers.

Enter the default maximum bid (Max CPC) for all keywords in the ad group. This default bid is a convenient way to manage the bids for all of the keywords in your ad group. Each keyword can override this default by specifying its own maximum CPC.

Enter words or phrases describing your product or service and that can help determine when and where your ad can appear. Enter one word or phrase per line, using the following syntax to indicate match type:
  • Keyword will be broad match
  • "Keyword" will be phrase match
  • [Keyword] will be exact match

Match types help control which searches can trigger your ad. For example, you can specify that a keyword triggers an ad only if it exactly matches a search query, or that a keyword triggers an ad if it matches the query or any synonyms of the query.

  • Broad: Your ad appears when terms in your keyword appear, in any order, in a consumer's search query. For example, if you enter a keyword such as golf clubs, your ad will appear when a query contains golf and clubs in any order. Your ad is also eligible to appear when search queries are synonyms, or deemed relevant, to your keyword. Use broad match to expose your ads to a wider audience. This is the default option.

  • Phrase: Your ad appears when consumers search on the exact phrase and also when their search contains additional terms, as long as the keyword phrase is in exactly the same order. For example, if you enter a keyword such as golf clubs, your ad will appear when there is a search for golf clubs, in this order, and there may be other terms in the query.

  • Exact: The search query must exactly match your keyword, or be a close variant. For example, if you enter a keyword such as golf clubs, your ad is more likely to appear when there is a search for golf clubs, in this order, and without any other terms in the query. With an exact match, you may find fewer impressions but a higher click-through rate because your ad is shown to people who may be more interested in your product.

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