About the enhanced conversions for web tag diagnostics report

Enhanced conversions is a feature that can improve the accuracy of your conversion measurement. It supplements the existing conversion tags by allowing advertisers to send hashed first-party customer data from your website in a privacy safe way. The hashed customer data is compared to hashed customer data of signed-in Google accounts and attributed to ad events to help measure conversions driven by your campaign.

After you’ve set up enhanced conversions with Google Tag Manager or set up enhanced conversion with the Google tag, you can validate that your enhanced conversions are effectively working in the enhanced conversions tag diagnostics report. The diagnostics report will help you identify and self-diagnose enhanced conversions implementation issues.

How it works

The enhanced conversions tag and API diagnostics report helps diagnose the health of your enhanced conversions set up and understand how effectively you're recovering conversion data.

View your enhanced conversions diagnostics report from the conversions page

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Click Tools and settings , and under “Measurement” click Conversions.
  3. Click Summary.
  4. In the table, hover over the status of a conversion action you want to check.
  5. View “Diagnostics” and you’ll be able to view the enhanced conversions diagnostics report filtered to that one conversion action.
  6. You can adjust the filter to see all conversion actions that are receiving enhanced conversions data.
Note: If it seems like there's an issue with enhanced conversions for any of your conversion actions, the tracking status for that conversion action will be "Check enhanced conversions”. If you hover over that status, you can click "Go to diagnostics" and you'll go to the conversion diagnostics report to diagnose any potential issues.

Types of data quality

There are 4 types of data quality for your offline diagnostic data: Excellent, Good, Needs attention, and No recent data.


“Excellent” indicates that your enhanced conversion setup is active and fully optimized. This status means that it’s recording enhanced conversions as expected.


“Good” indicates that your enhanced conversions setup is active, but there are further improvements available. You can improve your matched conversions by sending more user data.

Needs attention

“Needs attention” indicates that your enhanced conversions setup is active, but there are errors that require your attention. For example, your enhanced conversion setup may have missing information.

No recent data

“No recent data” indicates that enhanced conversions have not recorded data in the last 7 days. Make sure that there’s nothing wrong with your setup.


You can select and review which conversion actions are affected by the alerts. The alerts will have an icon that matches the status. Once you’ve selected an alert, a conversion action table will appear below the alert panel. This table will change dynamically based on your selection.

Understand and fix diagnostics report alerts

If there are issues with your enhanced conversions setup, you’ll encounter one or more of the alerts listed below. If one of these alerts appears, follow the instructions below to fix it.

Note: The alerts displayed in the diagnostic report are based on the past one day of data unless there isn’t enough data in the past day. In such a case the alert is based on the past 7 days of data. If there is a very low volume of conversions in the past 7 days, for example, less than 20 conversions, alerts won’t be displayed since the volume is too low to properly understand your implementation status. Enhanced conversions are most helpful for advertisers who receive at least 20 conversions per week including organic and ad-driven conversions.


The “History” section shows the metrics over time to help with validating the performance increase after taking action on an alert. You can also use the metric to self-diagnose issues. This section also shows the enhanced conversions coverage rate as a percentage on the Y axis and date on the X axis.

The enhanced conversions coverage rate is defined as:

# of enhanced conversions coverage with parameter / # of conversion pings

The enhanced conversions coverage rate should be available within hours of enhanced conversion sending requests. This rate is defaulted to the last 7 days, but it can be toggled to view the last 30 days.

The chart is scoped to the conversions within a specific status page. The enhanced conversions coverage rate will be aggregated across the conversion actions included on that page. Filtering conversions at the top of the page will edit the conversions of this page and other status pages. This same filter controls the “History” section.

Implement in-page code in addition to Automatic for better results

You might have set up enhanced conversions using the automatic method, but you're likely to receive more benefits by implementing enhanced conversions manually using in-page code in your website tag or API.

To fix this, use one of the following guides to set up enhanced conversions manually:


The Impact table will show a list of conversion actions, their uplift when available and match rates. The Impact table is also scoped to the conversion actions aligned with the overall status.

The table below shows conversion action level impact:

Conversion action

Match rate

Campaign type

Reported conversions

Conversion action #1



+3% as of X date


+12% as of X date

Conversion action #2



+4% as of X date


+10% as of X date

The match rate column is dynamic and gets updated within 24 hours.

Match rate column:
  • Number of valid pings <50: Insufficient volume
  • Match rate = 0%: No matches
  • Match rate = <5%: Very low match rate
  • Match rate = 6-25%: Low match rate
  • Match rate = 26-50%: Average match rate
  • Match rate = 51-100%: High match rate

If there is no match rate data, the pop up will say “No data”. To avoid fluctuations between high, average, or low, a buffer is added for match rate.

The match rate is based on conversion count data.

Missing user data fields

Some of your conversions don’t include any enhanced conversions data fields. In such a case the enhanced conversions parameter wasn’t transmitted in some instances when your conversion tag fired, or when the CM360 Conversion API was called. Make sure you’ve set up enhanced conversions correctly on all the pages where your conversion tag is present.

You can use Google Tag Assistant to test each of your conversion pages to determine if you’re sending the enhanced conversions parameter. Check how to verify enhanced conversions implementation using Google Tag Assistant.

After you’ve identified which pages have issues, double check your implementation against the instructions to set up enhanced conversions manually with Google Tag Manager or Google tag.

Missing user-provided data

Some of your enhanced conversions aren't processed because they are missing user-provided data. You’re sending the enhanced conversions data fields, but the data you’re sending is empty.

Your enhanced conversions setup is missing data such as email address, first name, last name, address, postal code, and country. As a result, YY of XX enhanced conversions weren't processed between timestamp1 and timestamp2.

This issue could be caused by the following:

  • User-provided data isn’t available on some of your conversion pages. For example, signed-in customers may not re-enter their first-party information, or it may be collected on the previous page.
  • The CSS selector or Javascript variable isn't set up properly or doesn't work in all situations. For example, CSS selectors may not work on all browsers or may function differently on mobile and desktop.

You can use Google Tag Assistant to test each of your conversion pages to determine if you’re sending the enhanced conversions fields. Additionally, you may need to test your conversion setup on different browsers and devices. Check how to verify enhanced conversions implementation using Google Tag Assistant.

After you’ve identified the root cause, you can assess different implementation options to set up enhanced conversions manually with Google Tag Manager or Google tag.

Setup has incorrect data formatting

This issue occurs when user data (email, phone number, and address) isn't correctly formatted.

Ensure that you’re passing valid user email addresses (with an “@” symbol) and the phone numbers include a country code.

If the string after “tv.1~em.” isn't a hashed value but is instead showing one of the codes below, you’ve an error in your enhanced conversion data set up and you’ll need to troubleshoot accordingly. Check how to verify enhanced conversions implementation using Tag Assistant.

Code Error
Empty or no error code If you can view “tv.1”, it means the em parameter is present but it’s empty. Enhanced conversions coverage isn't available on the page or the setup is incorrect.

Field doesn't pass formatting validation checks

For example, email doesn't have "@", or phone number has "abcd"

e1 Unsupported Browser. This happens when the conversion occurs in certain legacy browsers. We expect this case to be rare, if you find this situation to have occurred, try to trigger the conversion in an updated Chrome browser.
e2 SHA256 failed. This could be because there were unexpected characters in the input into the hashing function. Try again with a new conversion and set of user identifiers to check if the problem persists.
e3 Web page isn't secure. Enhanced Conversions only hash user data when the webpage is served in HTTPS protocol not HTTP protocols.

Unresolved API errors

We are receiving too few valid API pings relative to tag pings. If you view this alert, it means your API isn't set up correctly to send match ID, OAuth credentials, or hashed user data from your website.

You may view this error for any of the following reasons:

  • Your API pings don’t include match ID.
  • OAuth is set up incorrectly. Check the instructions to set up OAuth2 if you’ve implemented enhanced conversions in the Google Ads API.
  • The user data is incorrectly hashed. Ensure that you use SHA-256 to hash your data before sending it to Google.
  • Not sending API pings in all situations when your tag fires.

Tag and API match IDs don't match

This alert shows if a low percentage of your API pings have a tag ping with a matching match ID. Generally it means that your website tags and API aren't sending the same match ID. It could also indicate that you’re sending too few tag pings relative to API pings.

To address this:

  • Ensure you’re using the same method to generate match IDs for API pings and tag pings.
  • Ensure that the relevant conversion tracking tag is present in all cases where you send API pings to ensure parity.

Invalid or missing OAuth credentials

This alert shows if a significant portion of your enhanced conversions API pings have invalid or missing OAuth credentials. Edit your enhanced conversions API code to include the correct OAuth credentials for this account.

Missing transaction ID from API

This alert shows if a significant portion of your enhanced conversions API pings are missing a match ID. You must include a match ID with all API pings to properly match against tag pings.

Setup is missing required address fields

Your enhanced conversions setup is missing at least one of the following address fields:

  • Country
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Postal code

All 4 fields must be sent to be used. Note that if you also send user email, we’ll use email to match to Google signed-in users even when the address is missing or incomplete.

Ensure that all 4 fields are being captured whenever your conversion tag fires. Check instructions to set up enhanced conversions manually with Google Tag Manager or set up enhanced conversions manually with the Google tag.

User address data field is incorrectly formatted

Enhanced conversions aren't processed because your user address data field is incorrectly formatted.

This alert means that the address data fields you’re providing aren’t matching up with Google signed-in users because they’re incorrectly formatted. Keep in mind that:

  • First name should be a string of alphabetical characters.
  • Last name should be a string of alphabetical characters.
  • Country should be a 2-letter country code (for example, 'UK') per the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.
  • Postal code should include the required number of digits such as 5 digits for US postal codes.

Ensure the user address is correctly formatted and hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm. Double-check your setup.

User email data field is incorrectly formatted

Enhanced conversions aren't processed because your user email data field is incorrectly formatted. Make sure user email is correctly formatted. This alert means that the email addresses aren’t matching up with Google signed-in users.

For privacy concerns, email addresses must be hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm before being sent using API. In order to standardize the hash results, prior to hashing the data field you must:

  1. Remove leading or trailing whitespaces.
  2. Convert the text to lowercase.
  3. Remove all periods (.) that precede the domain name in gmail.com and googlemail.com email addresses.

Low number of matched conversions

This alert means that the enhanced conversions data you’re providing is matching at a lower than expected rate with Google logged-in users. This could mean that few of your customers have Google accounts or that they tend to provide identifying information that’s different from what’s included in their Google accounts.

You can improve your match rate by sending additional user identifiers. There are 3 user identifiers used by enhanced conversions as match keys: email, address, and phone number. To improve your match status, the best practice is to provide as many match keys as you can. Providing more match keys increases the odds that your data can match and improve the accuracy of your conversion reporting.

Improve your matched conversions by sending more user data. Send more user data fields such as email, phone number, and address, and make sure the data fields you're sending are correctly formatted.

Verify enhanced conversions implementation using Tag Assistant

Tag Assistant is a tool that lets you verify your conversion event directly on your website from your Google Ads account. As you click through each page of your website, debug information appears in the Tag Assistant badge and gives you instructions to resolve the unverified or inactive tag conversions.

Note: If you use Google Tag Manager, you should use the Google Tag Manager preview and debug mode to verify your enhanced conversions. First, enable preview and debug mode and navigate to your conversion page. In Google Tag Manager, click on your Floodlight Tag then click the "Variables" tab. You can view the data being sent in the Floodlight Tag Enhanced Conversions object.


  1. Open Google Tag Assistant.
  2. Enable Debug mode and trigger the conversion event.
    • To start a new debug session in Tag Assistant:
      1. From your web browser, open the Tag Assistant activation page.
      2. Click Add domain.
      3. Enter the URL of the page you'd like to debug.
      4. Click Start.
      5. Some sites or pages might be broken by an additional debug parameter added to the URL. If so, you can uncheck the box “Include debug signal in the URL”.
    • After enabling Debug mode, a new window will launch for the page that you entered, with the debug UI opening in the existing Tag Assistant browser window. The debug UI in the Tag Assistant window shows detailed information about your gtag() commands and hits, including how tags are fired and what data is being processed. The debug window stays open and displays debug information while you navigate within the same domain and as long as there's a Google tag (gtag.js) tag on the page.
    • As you click through your website, the debug window will update information about how your tags are fired. You can use this information to check if a tag fired successfully, what triggered (or didn't trigger) its firing status, and what network requests were made due to the tag firing.
  3. Trigger the conversion.
    • Navigate to the conversion page on your website where you’ve implemented enhanced conversion.
  4. Find the em parameter.
    • In the Tag Assistant debug Summary window, click Conversion from the page menu on the left, then click Conversion under the "Output" section. Locate the em parameter under “Hit Details”.
      • The em parameter is the SHA256 hash value of the user data that is being sent by the enhanced conversions feature to Google. If you find this em parameter and a proper hash value (a long string of over 10 characters), then enhanced conversion data is being sent successfully.
      • If the em parameter is missing entirely, your tag is configured incorrectly such that enhanced conversion data isn’t being sent.
      • If the em parameter is present but looks like “tv.1~em.”, you’re sending the enhanced conversion parameter but it’s empty.
      • If the em parameter is present but looks like “tv.1~em.e1”, you’re sending the enhanced conversion parameter but there’s an issue with the data you’re sending. Refer to the diagnostic report for additional details on possible errors.

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