Convert a Floodlight iframe or image tag to a Google tag

If you've been using iframe or image tags for tracking Floodlight conversion actions, follow these steps to use the Google tag instead:

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a manager or sub-manager account.
  3. From the page menu, under “Tools & settings”, click Conversions.
  4. Click Summary.
    • If you have several Floodlight conversion goals, you can use a filter to limit the number of activities that appear.
  5. On the "Details" page, click Tag Setup, then click Install the tag yourself.
  6. In the "Global site tag" section, select the The global site tag isn't installed on all your HTML pages option.
  7. Copy the global site tag and add it to all pages of your site.
    • If you also have a global snippet obtained from another Google product, select the The global site tag is already installed on all pages, but comes from another Google product (such as Google Analytics) or another Search Ads 360 account option. Follow the instructions to adapt the tag so it works for your sub-manager account in the new Search Ads 360.
  8. In the "Event snippet" section, copy the event snippet and add it to the page that contains the event you're tracking.
  9. Remove the existing iframe or image Floodlight tag that was originally placed on the page to track the Floodlight conversion action. You don't need this tag any more, since it's been replaced by the global snippet and the event snippet.

Google recommends that you don't keep Floodlight iframe/image tags on your site after you've installed event snippets, as this creates duplicate conversion data. Instead, retag a few conversion actions at a time to ensure the Google tag and event snippets are working.

Guidance for retagging based on your current implementation

Based on how you currently manage conversion tags, there are different options for you to implement site-wide measurement solutions:

I use iframe or image tags placed directly on my site for desktop and mobile web

If you currently use iframe or image tags for Floodlight, we recommend retagging your website with the Google tag based on the instructions above. You can generate Google tags in Search Ads 360, Campaign Manager 360, or via the Campaign Manager 360 API.
We recommend against keeping the Floodlight iframe/image tags on your site after you've installed event snippets, as this will lead to duplicated conversion data. Instead, retag a few activities at a time to ensure the Google tag and event snippets are working.
If you’re looking for a tag management solution, you can use Google Tag Manager instead of the Google tag.

I currently use Google Tag Manager

If you already use Google Tag Manager to manage all of your conversion tags, you just need to add the Conversion linker tag to your containers.

I currently use the Google tag

If you already have a Google tag on your site that you set up for another Google product, you’ll need to:
  1. Update the global snippet section of the tag to include Google Marketing Platform account identifiers.
  2. Follow the instructions above to switch your iframe or image tags to event snippets.

I use a third-party tag provider

We recommend working with your third-party tag provider to find out more details about the best implementation available to you for the Google tag.

I use Floodlight tags in a mobile app

The Google tag doesn’t support tagging in apps. You should continue to follow the existing process to track mobile app conversions with Floodlight.

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