About syncing the new Search Ads 360 with external accounts

Beginning June 29, 2020, customers who have previously turned on scheduled sync or who choose to turn on scheduled sync will no longer be able to turn off scheduled sync. Likewise, customers who have previously activated the conversion API will no longer be able to deactivate it.

Beginning February 1, 2021, Search Ads 360 will automatically turn on scheduled sync and activate the conversion API for all customers who haven't already turned on scheduled sync or who haven't already activated the conversion API.

When you update a campaign in the new Search Ads 360 experience, the change is automatically copied (posted) to the external account. For example, if you add a new Microsoft Advertising campaign, Search Ads 360 automatically posts the campaign to Microsoft Advertising. 

However, if you sign into an external account and update a campaign, you may need to copy (sync) those changes into Search Ads 360, depending on the type of account:

  • Google Ads accounts: changes that you make from Google Ads accounts are continuously synced with Search Ads 360, so you don't need to use manual or scheduled syncs for these accounts.
  • Microsoft Advertising accounts: changes that you make from Microsoft Advertising accounts need to be synced with Search Ads 360, either manually or on a schedule.
You can sync accounts manually every time you make a change in the external account, but to make sure you don't forget to sync, it's recommended that you set up a daily sync schedule to automatically sync accounts. See related links below.

Syncing with the previous Search Ads 360 experience

Updates from the new Search Ads 360 experience are not automatically posted to the previous Search Ads 360 experience. Instead, you need to sign into the previous experience and sync the account. For example:

  1. You add a new Microsoft Advertising campaign from the new Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. The new experience posts the campaign to Microsoft Advertising.
  3. To see the new campaign in the previous Search Ads 360 experience, sign into the previous experience and sync the Microsoft Advertising account.

The same is true for changes you make from the previous experience: changes are automatically posted to the external accounts, but to see these changes in the new experience, you need to sign into the new Search Ads 360 experience and sync the external account. The one exception is this: when the previous experience posts a change to a Google Ads account, that change is automatically visible in the new experience. Syncing isn't needed for Google Ads accounts in the new experience.

  New Search Ads 360
Previous Search Ads 360
Update in 
Google Ads
external account
Automatically available Sync required
Update in 
Microsoft Advertising
external account
Sync required Sync required
Update in new
Search Ads 360
Automatically available Sync required
Update in previous
Search Ads 360
Sync required for Microsoft Advertising accounts.
Updates to Google Ads accounts are automatically available.
Automatically available

To keep the new and previous experience in sync, the best practice is to create scheduled syncs for all of your accounts in both new and previous Search Ads 360 experience.


  • Depending on the advertising platform, sync attempts to import data from the past 60 days, 1 year, or 2 years.

  • All settings and campaigns in an account are synced. You can't select specific parts of an account to sync.

  • Sync will skip:

    • Items and settings that Search Ads 360 doesn't support, such as App install ads in Microsoft Advertising accounts.
      You can manage these items and settings in the external account.

    • Removed campaigns, ad groups, ads, keywords, and other items, including products that have been removed from shopping campaign feeds.

    • Items with updates that haven't posted to the external account yet. For example, if you change the Max CPC for a keyword and sync before the new Max CPC is posted to the external account, sync skips the keyword. This ensures that changes you make in Search Ads 360 are correctly posted to external accounts.

  • Syncing a large account can last anywhere from several minutes to several hours, depending on the amount of data that was changed in the external account. Smaller accounts sync more quickly.

    Sync imports some types of data more quickly than others. It may take several hours before metrics reported in Search Ads 360 accurately reflect the metrics reported in the engine.

  • Sync imports the latest version of an ad, even if the ad copy is under review. If the ad copy is later disapproved, update the ad copy and re-sync the account.

  • Closing the browser window doesn't affect the sync.

  • See notes about scheduled syncs.

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