Add tracking URLs to your social media campaigns and engine track client accounts

To attribute visits and conversions to social media campaigns in the new Search Ads 360, clicks need to be redirected to the new Search Ads 360 using the Search Ads 360 tracking URL. Each tracking URL has unique IDs that the new Search Ads 360 uses to track unique visits to your site and to attribute any conversions during a visit back to the specific campaigns and keywords that led to the visit.

Once a social media campaign is uploaded to the new Search Ads 360, tracking URLs are added to it. You can then download the campaign from the new Search Ads 360 and upload it back to the social media platform or engine track client account to apply the tracking URLs.


To add tracking URLs, do the following:

  1. Export your campaigns from the engine track client account.
  2. Upload the campaigns to the new Search Ads 360.
    1. The new Search Ads 360 adds its tracking URLs to the landing page URLs in the campaigns.
  3. Download the bulksheet file from the new Search Ads 360, and then upload the bulksheet file to the engine track client account.

Choose a supported format

Make sure you select an export format that can then be uploaded into Search Ads 360. You can upload files up to 600 MB in any of the following formats:

  • XLS/XLSX: You can upload files up to a million rows with XLSX (Excel 2007 and later) files.
  • CSV: UTF-8 or UTF-16 (with BOM) file whose fields are comma separated.
    Fields are optionally double quoted. For example, if your campaign names include commas, surround the Campaign field in double quotes:
    Row Type,Action,Status,Campaign,Campaign start date
    campaign,create,Active,"Campaign with, comma",12/30/2016
  • TSV: UTF-8 or UTF-16 (with BOM) file whose fields are delimited with a TAB character. Fields are optionally double quoted.

Supported delimiters in CSV and TSV files

In CSV files, the only supported character for separating fields is a comma. In TSV files, the only supported character for separating fields is a TAB. Other characters, such as pipe or colon cannot be used to separate (delimit) fields.

Include required data

To make sure the export contains all required columns, choose the Import & Export option in Facebook Power Editor when exporting ads.

Here's the list of required columns:

  • Campaign ID
  • Campaign name
  • Campaign objective
  • Ad set ID
  • Ad set name
  • Ad ID
  • Ad name
  • Creative type
  • Image hash
  • Link
    • Search Ads 360 will add its click tracking URL to the URLs in the Link column. Any landing page URL that isn't included won't redirect through Search Ads 360, and won't be reported on in Search Ads 360.
  • View tags

Search Ads 360 ignores any other columns that may appear in the exported spreadsheet.

Column headers in the file are required to be in English. Search Ads 360 cannot process files if column headers are in other languages.

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