You can download reports in the following formats:
- .xlsx and .xls files are Microsoft Excel files.
- Excel-compatible text file (.csv) is in the UTF-16 (Excel-compatible) format. This allows support for double-byte characters, the registered trademark symbol (®), and more. Also, with one click, you can open these files directly into Excel.
- Comma-separated text file (.csv) is encoded in UTF-16. Use this format if you want to view report data in a text-only format.
Formatting notes for CSV files
Note the following about files downloaded in either CSV format (Excel-compatible text file or Comma-separated text file):
Account ID, Campaign ID, and other ID columns are always in the following format:
For example,="43700007111227750"
Most spreadsheet applications interpret this format as a formula and therefore keep the value intact. Without this formatting, a spreadsheet might interpret the value as a number, and then truncate or round the number into some other value.
Be careful when opening and saving CSV files in spreadsheets. In some cases, even if you save a CSV file as a CSV, the spreadsheet may reformat IDs as a number and therefore truncate or round the value.
If you're using something other than a spreadsheet to process the downloaded data, you may want to remove the preceding equals sign and the surrounding quote.
is not a valid Search Ads 360 ID, but43700007111227750
is valid. -
If a cell starts with the
character, the downloaded file surrounds the cell in quotes.
For example, the following keyword text in a Microsoft Advertising ad group specifies the broad match modifier:
When downloading to a CSV file, the cell is formatted as:
Account, campaign, geo target, and other names that include a comma are surrounded by quotes in the downloaded file. For example:
"Campaign name, with comma"