At the time of purchase, you have the option to require a signature upon delivery for most orders. If you can’t find the signature requirement option, it means there’s no eligible item in your order. You can't turn off signature requirements for items that require a signature. Signatures upon delivery are only available in the United States and Canada.
Check if your order requires a signature
- For orders that include a Pixel Fold, a signature is required for each item in the order.
- The delivery carrier usually tries to deliver your package 3 times before they return it to the warehouse. To avoid delays and to prevent your shipment from being lost or stolen in delivery, be available to sign for your signature-required package.
To find out if your order requires a signature, you can check your:
- Order confirmation email.
- Shipping confirmation email.
- Tracking information.
Tip: If Fedex is assigned as the delivery carrier for your shipment and you chose a commercial shipping address, a signature may not be required. This applies even if you requested a signature.