The instructions below detail how publishers can create free house surveys targeted to their own sites.
House surveys help you get a better understanding of your audience through customized questions. Google automatically aggregates and analyzes responses, providing the data back to you through a simple online interface.
- Visit
- Click + NEW SURVEY.
- In Step 1 (Pick audience) of the survey creator, name your survey. Under Audience, select Your website. Under Your website select your site. Click CONTINUE
- In Step 2 (Write questions), select the appropriate question type(s) and write your question(s). Click CONFIRM.
- In Step 3 (Confirm survey), review your survey questions and purchase responses. You also have the option here to adjust the survey frequency. Click BUY NOW.
- Your survey will be sent to our team for review and you will receive a confirmation email once it has been started.
- You will receive another email once your survey is completed with a link to your results.
You can start seeing results once your survey is approved and data is processed, which usually happens in a matter of hours.