Invite users to test a preview of your data

You can allow anyone with access to your Transit Data Sharing Portal account the ability to preview your test feeds. To achieve this, you need to give them testing access.

Give someone testing access

To give testing access to someone:

  1. On the Transit Data Sharing Portal, click the Testing access tab. 
  2. On the Testing access page, click Add user.
  3. In the Contact section:
    • Enter the person's email address. Remember, before someone can get testing access, they must already have access to your account in the Transit Data Sharing Portal.
    • Select which feeds you want the user to be able to preview.
  4. Click Save.

Remove testing access for a user

To remove access for a user who has testing access:

  1. On the Transit Data Sharing Portal, click the Testing access tab. 
  2. On the Testing access page, click on the email of the user you're removing.
  3. On the bottom right corner of the Contact, click Delete user.

Email addresses must be associated with a Google account to receive preview access.


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