Waze shares traffic data with partners free of charge and requests that our partners follow attribution guidelines when sharing this data.
Please adhere to the following guidelines:
- If you're displaying data provided by Waze, choose one of the following attribution styles (including hyperlink) to appear:
"Data provided by Waze App. Learn more at Waze.com ."
Or, when hyperlinking is not possible:
"Data by Waze App. https://waze.com ."
- When showing attribution on a mobile device, the hyperlink must be "http://m.waze.com". You may embed the hyperlink only if you can do so in the "Waze App" text.
- When unable to provide the short-form attribution as shown above, you may use a different form and format of attribution, subject to Google’s express prior written consent.
- If you reference or use Waze Data in an audio format (ex: to report an incident on the radio) provide a clear, spoken attribution mentioning Waze as your source of information.
- Any other attribution or use of the Waze Brand Features must be pre-approved by Google. This includes any references or use of Waze Data in academic papers, presentations, charts and graphs, marketing materials, and other types of print.
- Allow Google at least 48 hours (on business days) to review an approval request.
- The parties may mutually agree to amend the Attribution Guidelines in writing (including by email).