Upload videos and images to Ads Creative Studio

If you have an Ads Creative Studio account, Google Web Designer lets you image and video files directly to the asset library of Ads Creative Studio.

Supported file types

  • Video: MP4
  • Image: JPG, PNG

If you want to upload a video ad, you should first publish your document locally to generate it as an MP4 file before uploading it. Multiple variants and sizes will be published as separate files, which you can upload all at one time.

HTML5 ads published as ZIP files can be be uploaded through the Ads Creative Studio interface instead.

Steps to upload

  1. Open a video or image ad document.
  2. Click the down arrow on the Publish button at the top of the window.
  3. Select Upload to Ads Creative Studio... The upload dialog will open.

    Not signed in?

    If you haven't signed in to your Google Account from Google Web Designer, a login page will open in your browser. Sign in with your Ads Creative Studio account credentials.

    You'll be asked to allow Google Web Designer to integrate with other Google products. Click Allow to continue.

  4. Add the files that you want to upload by dragging them into the left-hand side of the dialog, or by clicking Add files to upload. You can add any supported video or image files to the upload list, even if they weren't created using Google Web Designer.
  5. In the Account field, enter the name of your Ads Creative Studio account (displayed in the top right corner within your Ads Creative Studio account).
    If you can't find your account, make sure that you're signed in to the right Google Account, as indicated by the login email address in the top menu bar of Google Web Designer, and that you have Edit or Admin access to that Ads Creative Studio account. Manager accounts can't be selected, as they don't directly contain assets.
  6. Set the destination folder. By default, this is set to the root Asset library folder. Change the destination by using the folder list and controls below.
    • Select a folder: Click a listed folder to choose it as the destination.

    • Navigate to a folder: Double-click a listed folder to open it and view its subfolders, or use the drop-down to view and select from all parent folders, up to the root Asset library level. As you navigate the folder system, the currently viewed folder will be set as the destination.

    • Go to the parent folder : Navigate up one level in the Asset library folder system.

    • Refresh : Update the folder list to show any new changes.

    • Create a folder : Add a new folder within the current folder. Folder names can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and the following symbols: . - _ (period, dash, and underscore). Folder names also cannot start with a space or dash, or end with a space.

  7. Click Upload.

A progress dialog will indicate the status of your uploads. You won't be able upload additional files to Ads Creative Studio from Google Web Designer until all uploads are complete.

Next steps

In Ads Creative Studio, your uploaded videos or images will be available in the asset library. You can use these videos or images as assets in your video or display projects.

To recreate variants in Ads Creative Studio, create a customizable project and use your uploaded videos or images as swappable elements.

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