Upcoming Meet hardware autoupdate expirations

Certain Google Meet hardware devices will reach their autoupdate expiration on June 1, 2025. You might still be able to use the devices after this date, but we recommend evaluating alternatives because the devices will stop getting updates after June 1, 2025.

Why does Google have an expiration policy?

Google Meet hardware devices get regular updates from ChromeOS, making them extremely secure. Having an autoupdate expiration date allows Google to focus on providing the best and most secure updates for the newest and most recent hardware in a sustainable and reliable way.

What does the expiration mean for my organization?

On June 1, 2025, the following devices will reach their autoupdate expiration date:

  • Asus Chromebox 3 (CN65)
  • CTL Chromebox CBx1
  • Acer Chromebase for Meetings 24V2

After June 1, 2025, these devices will stop getting software updates. You can still use the devices, but Google Meet or the manufacturer will not provide any support in the event of any device bugs or Meet issues on the devices, such as meeting or call quality.

What do I need to do?

Before the expiration date, you and your team should:

  • Evaluate your meeting rooms. Decide whether you want to keep existing peripherals and update the Chromebox or Chromebase or replace the entire room kit.
  • If you want to keep peripherals in place and update the Chromebox or Chromebase, we recommend checking the end-of-support policy for the room peripherals. You also have options from your manufacturer to purchase new devices with a longer expiration date. Learn more about end-of-support policies and manufacturer options.
  • It’s possible to mix and match devices and peripherals. However, we recommend keeping the same manufacturer to avoid any chance of unqualified combinations.
  • If you want to replace the entire room kit, there are a variety of options for Android and ChromeOS. Learn more

Can I use devices after the expiration date?

Yes. You can still use a device after the expiration date. Your device will function as usual, but it will no longer get updates or new features. Without updates, a device might become more vulnerable to security risks and might not be compatible with new apps or features. Google will not provide support in the event of any device issues.

Can I still manage an expired device from the Admin console?

Yes. The device will be marked with "end of Meet support" and won't get updates. Otherwise, it will continue to function. There is no guarantee regarding long-term functionality and compatibility with Meet.

What happens to my Meet license?

Your Meet license remains unaffected. It is transferable and can be used on a current device or any other device. For details, go to Manage Meet hardware licenses.

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