Headline_offer_subscription_cost [headline_offer_subscription_cost]

Note: Products with the headline_offer_subscription cost [headline_offer_subscription_cost] attribute aren't eligible for cross-border trade and can only have one targeted country.

Use the headline_offer_subscription cost [headline_offer_subscription_cost] attribute to include the details of a monthly or annual payment plan that bundles a communications service contract with your wireless product (mobile phone or tablet).

In this article

When to use

Optional Optional for each product

This attribute is only available in certain countries:

  • Europe: Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

This attribute is only supported for mobile products with the following Google product category code (GPC):

  • Watches (ID: 201)
  • Mobile Phone (ID: 267)
  • Tablet Computers. (ID: 4745)
  • Mobile Phone Prepaid Cards & SIM Cards (ID: 6030)
  • GPS Tracking Devices (ID: 6544)

This attribute uses 3 sub-attributes:

  • Period [period] (Required): The duration of a single subscription period, either month [month] or year [year].
  • Period length [period_length] (Required): Integer, the number of subscription periods (months or years) that the buyer pays.
  • Amount [amount] (Required): ISO 4217, the amount the buyer pays per month. When displaying this amount, the nearest whole unit of local currency may be rounded to save space. The provided value must exactly match the amount as shown on your site.

Format the value by submitting period [period], period length [period_length], and amount [amount] separated with colons (:). Don’t use quotation marks.


Follow these formatting guidelines to make sure Google understands the data you're submitting.

Learn more about When and how to submit product data in English.

Type Unicode characters (Recommended: ASCII only)
Repeated field No

To format your data for Content API, go to the Content API for Shopping resource.

Note: To ensure that this product data attribute gets recognized by our system correctly, remember to submit your data feed file in a format that we support.

Minimum requirements

These are the requirements you'll need to meet to show your product. If you don't follow these requirements, we'll disapprove your product and let you know in your Merchant Center account.

  • Include the total amount due at checkout in the headline_offer_price [headline_offer_price] attribute.
  • When used in combination with the headline_offer_installment [headline_offer_installment] attribute, also include the total amount due at checkout in the downpayment [downpayment] sub-attribute of the headline_offer_installment [headline_offer_installment] attribute.
  • Match the communications payment plan that you display on your landing page. You can also display other communication options on your landing page, but the plan that you submit must be straightforward to find on the landing page.
  • Don’t require that users have a loyalty card to choose the service plan that you submit.
  • Don't use the subscription cost attribute for software subscriptions. Software subscriptions must be prepaid, and submitted using the yearly prepaid cost as the headline_offer_price [headline_offer_price] attribute.
  • Use in approved countries only. Use of the subscription cost attribute in unapproved countries will result in disapprovals.
  • Use for approved product categories only. Use of the subscription cost attribute for other categories of products will result in disapprovals.

Best practices

These best practices can help you go beyond the basic requirements to optimize your product data for performance.

  • Submit exact values for your subscription costs according to ISO 4217.
  • If the product is also paid for in monthly installments, use the same number of months for the headline_offer_subscription_cost [headline_offer_subscription_cost] as for the installments.
  • If your product has installment payments, submit the same number of months for the headline_offer_subscription cost [headline_offer_subscription_cost] attribute as for the headline_offer_installment [headline_offer_installment] attribute.
    • If the number of months is different and your [headline_offer_installment] and [headline_offer_subscription_cost] need to be combined due to space constraints, the highest of the 2 values will be used.
    • For example, if your installment plan is 12 months but your subscription service contract is 24 months, the 24 month installment plan will be used.
  • If the subscription cost of your headline offer for your product increases after a certain period of time, then use the highest payment in the amount [amount] sub-attribute.
    • For example, if the subscription payment increases from 25 EUR to 35 EUR after 12 months, specify 35 EUR.


Mobile phones sold with a subscription plan

Submit a total value for the payment at checkout in the headline_offer_price [headline_offer_price] attribute (as low as 0) and include any activation fees and/or one-time charges. Specify in your title that your wireless product requires a contract of a certain duration. Leave the headline_offer_installment [headline_offer_installment] attribute empty.
Product data for a Google Pixel 5” 32GB Very Silver with a 12-month service contract, of 35 EUR per month, and a down payment of 649 EUR
Attribute Value
ID [id] _pixel_phone_silver_32gb_12month_contract
Title [title] Google Pixel 5” 32GB Very Silver (with contract)
Headline off link [headline_offer_link] https://store.google.com/product/pixel_phone?sku=_pixel_phone_silver_32gb_12month_contract_newsim&contract=yes
Image link [image_link] https://store.google.com/product/pixel_phone/silver.png
Availability [availability] in_stock
Headline_offer_price [headline_offer_price] 649.00 EUR
Headline_offer_installment [headline_offer_installment] (Must be empty because there are no installment payments)
Headline_offer_subscription cost [headline_offer_subscription_cost] month:12:35.00 EUR
Google product category [google_product_category] Electronics > Communications > Telephony > Mobile Phones
Brand [brand] Google
GTIN [gtin] 00821793049157
MPN [mpn] ignored2PW4100-021-B
Headline_offer_condition [headline_offer_condition] new
Color [color] Very Silver
Headline_offer_shipping_price [headline_offer_shipping_price] 0.00 EUR

Mobile phones sold in installments and bundled with a subscription plan

Submit the total value for the down payment (as low as 0) for the installment payment option in the downpayment [downpayment] sub-attribute of the headline_offer_installment [headline_offer_installment] attribute. Include any activation fees and one-time charges. Submit the checkout price for the full up-front payment in the headline_offer_price [headline_offer_price] attribute and include any activation fees and/or one-time charges. Specify in your title that your wireless product requires a contract of a certain duration and an installment plan.
Product data for a Google Pixel 5” 32GB Very Silver with 12-month contract and paid in 12 monthly installments
Attribute Value
ID [id] _pixel_phone_silver_32gb_contract_and_installments
Title [title] Google Pixel 5” 32GB Very Silver (with contract and 12 installment payments)
Headline_offer_link [headline_offer_link] https://store.google.com/product/pixel_phone?sku=_pixel_phone_silver_32gb_12month_contract_newsim&contract=yes
Image link [image_link] https://store.google.com/product/pixel_phone/silver.png
Availability [availability] in_stock
Price [price] 700.00 EUR
Headline_offer_installment [headline_offer_installment] 12:60.00 EUR:0.00 EUR
Headline_offer_subscription_cost [headline_offer_subscription_cost] month:12:30.00 EUR
Google product category [google_product_category] Electronics > Communications > Telephony > Mobile Phones
Brand [brand] Google
GTIN [gtin] 00821793049157
MPN [mpn] ignored2PW4100-021-B
Headline_offer_condition [headline_offer_condition] new
Color [color] Very Silver
Headline_offer_shipping_price [headline_offer_shipping_price] 0.00 EUR

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