What's new: January 2021

Learn about new features and updates to Display & Video 360 from January 2021

Campaign and workflow updates

Display & Video 360 API update

The Display & Video 360 API now includes support for TV insertion orders, over-the-top line items, and mobile app install line items, as well as support for additional exchanges and Google audiences. Advertisers can also now be filtered by their last updated time when retrieved. See the release notes for more details.

SDF v 5.3 now available

The latest version of Structured Data Files includes updated "Campaign Manager 360" references in brand safety sensitivity settings. Learn more

Local linear TV inventory via WideOrbit now available to Display & Video 360 users in the US

In the TV insertion order you can access WideOrbit inventory from local TV stations affiliated with US broadcast networks through a linear TV line item. Learn more

Updates to the Combined tab of a campaign, including ad groups from YouTube & partners line items

The following improvements have been made to the Combined tab of a campaign:

  • Ad groups from YouTube & partners line items: The Summary view includes ad groups from YouTube & partners line items, including basic performance metrics. The ability to update ad groups in bulk from the Combined tab will follow.
  • Updated column names for Interactions data: To better represent the variety of inventory sources available in Display & Video 360, the following column names have been updated. These updates only impact the Combined tab and have no impact on the dimension names used in reporting.
    • Clicks were renamed to Interactions
    • CTR was renamed to Interaction Rate
    • CPC was renamed to Cost per Interaction

New insertion order performance goals available

The following additional performance goals are now available for real-time bidding insertion orders:

  • Audio completion rate
  • Video completion rate
  • Impression conversion rate (CVR)
  • Click conversion rate (CVR)
  • Cost per thousand viewable impressions (VCPM)
  • YouTube view rate (VTR)

Insertion order performance goals are used to provide optimization recommendations, power automatic budget allocation, and visualize performance against the goal. Learn more

Insights updates

iOS webview conversion modeling

We have expanded our existing conversion modeling framework to also model both click and view-through conversions on iOS webview. All attribution models that are currently opted in to modeling will benefit from this additional modeling coverage by default.

Viewable unique reach now available in Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360

You can now see how many unique people saw a viewable impression rather than just a served impression. New Unique Reach (UR) and Unique Reach Audience (URA) metrics have launched in reach reporting. This measurement is available for both Display & Video 360-bought impressions and direct reservations through Campaign Manager 360. Learn more

New YouTube Channel Name dimension

You can now see a new dimension in the YouTube report called Placement Name (All YouTube Channels). Use this dimension to see the name of the YouTube channel where your ad served.

Inventory updates

Inventory source updates

For the latest information on inventory sources in Display & Video 360 see Supported display exchanges, Supported native exchanges, and Supported audio & video exchanges.

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