Join or leave a class as a co-teacher

This article is for teachers.

A teacher can invite you to teach their class as a co-teacher. As a co-teacher, you can perform most teacher tasks after you join. However, primary teachers and co-teachers have different permissions in Classroom.

What can I do as a co-teacher?

As a co-teacher, you can do the same tasks as the primary teacher, except you can't delete a class, remove the primary teacher, or mute another teacher in the class.

Join or leave Google Classroom as a co-teacher (Android)

Respond to an invitation to co-teach

If you’re having trouble being added to a class, contact your admin. If you’re not in the same domain, they might need to update your domain's class membership settings

Tip: You can quickly accept or decline the invitation to co-teach by tapping the link in the email invitation.

To respond from Classroom: 

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. On the class card, tap Accept or Decline.

    Note: If you're a student in the class, tapping Decline doesn't remove you from the class.

Share files with the primary teacher before leaving a class
In the class Google Drive folder, the primary teacher can access all the files you created in the class. If you want to share other files, such as notes or an attendance sheet, you can add them to the class Drive folder. Students can’t find the files or folders unless you share them.
  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app
  2. In the top-left corner, tap Menu .
  3. Scroll down and tap Classroom folders .
  4. Tap the Drive folder for your class.
  5. In the lower-right corner, tap Add  and then choose an option:
    • To upload a file, tap Upload  and then tap the file.
    • To add a folder to the class Drive folder for your files, tap Folder .
      After you create the folder, you can upload your files to it.
    • To scan a hard copy for upload, tap Scan  and then take a photo and then tap Done .
  6. (Optional) To rename any of your files or folders:
    1. Next to the file or folder, tap More  and then Rename.
    2. Enter a name and then tap Rename to confirm.  
Leave a class as a co-teacher

If you leave a class you co-teach, you can't open it again unless you're re-invited or enrolled as a student in the class. If you own the class Drive folder, you need to make another teacher in the class the folder’s owner before you leave the class. For details, go to Make someone else the owner of your file.

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Choose an option:
    • On the class you want to leave, tap More  and then Leave class.
    • Tap the class and then People  and then next to your name, tap More  and then Leave class.
  3. Tap Leave class to confirm.

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