Conversion values

Set up the same value for each conversion

Set conversion values in Google Ads and consider these options:

  • Use conversion value rules to provide additional value information that isn’t already reflected in your account and optimize in real time to those values. Conversion values are adjusted by the specific rules (for example, increase value for users in New York by 20%).
  • If you’re measuring leads, use the conversion value calculator to determine the average value of your conversion actions, so you can use a value based-bidding strategy.
  • Consider tracking more customer actions on your website by creating a new conversion action.

If you’ve set up your website conversion tracking with a URL, you can only use static in-UI values.

Set a conversion value

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Goals icon Goals Icon.
  2. Under "Summary", click + New conversion action.
  3. Select Website.
  4. Enter your website domain and click Scan in order to:
  5. If you see a list of suggested URLs, you can click Accept Suggestion to track one of the suggested URLs as a conversion.
  6. To add your own URL, click Add URL.
    1. Select the conversion goal that best matches the URL you’d like to track as a conversion.
    2. Select the option that best matches your URL: (for example:
      • URL is (For example: default, exact match)
      • URL starts with (For example:…)
      • URL contains (For example:… )
    3. Enter the URL of the conversion page on your website. For example, a “Thank you” page after a purchase, or a click that subscribes to your newsletter or service.
    4. Click Add.
  7. Click Settings.
  8. Next to “Value”, select how to track the value of each conversion.
    1. Use the same value for each conversion. Enter the amount each conversion is worth to your business. The default is the absolute value one, but if you sell only one kind of item at the same price, enter the dollar value.
    2. When setting up your conversion action using codeless website conversion tracking you can not set up value tracking using different values. You can only add value reporting using different values to website conversion actions that you have set up using the conversion event snippet.
    3. Don't use a value for this conversion action (not recommended).
  9. Click Save and continue.

Change a conversion value

You can set your conversion value when you set up a conversion action, or follow the instructions below to change the value for an existing conversion action. You can set the conversion value again as often as you'd like. Just keep in mind that changes will apply only to conversions that happen after the change, and changes will usually take effect within a few hours.

To change a conversion value, follow these steps:

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Goals icon Goals Icon.
  2. Click the Conversions drop down in the section menu, then click Summary.
  3. Click the name of the conversion action you’d like to change.
  4. Click Edit settings.
  5. Under “Value” select how to track the value these conversions have to your business.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Done.

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