Set up and test reporting with conversions with cart data

Step 1: Choose and deploy an appropriate implementation method

Conversions with cart data rely on existing conversion tracking for your website. Choose the implementation method based on how existing conversion tracking is being deployed.

Check with your web developer on how to pass dynamically generated data, such as product IDs for products that were sold as part of a conversion.

Choose how you want to set up conversions with cart data:

Set up with Google Ads

If you choose Google Ads as an implementation source, you will be able to deploy this using Google Tag directly on your website or via Google Tag Manager. Follow below steps for this implementation method:

  • Make sure that standard conversion tracking is already set up to track your purchases.
  • Ensure that the Purchase conversion's "Conversion goal and action optimization" is set to Primary.
  • Add conversions with cart data parameters to standard conversion tracking to enhance data and report metrics. Learn more about conversions with cart data parameters.
    • Adding the optional Merchant Center parameters will enhance data quality. This is especially important if you have multiple Merchant Center accounts that use the same item IDs for different products.

Example of Google tag implementation with cart data

<!-- Sample Code Conversion -->
<script type="text/javascript">
'event', 'purchase', {
"send_to": "AW-9999999999/abc123xyz",
  "transaction_id": "1545c34e-691e-4726-aeda-b798df255e9c",
  "value": 53.50,
  "currency": "USD",
<!-- Start of CwCD Parameters -->
  "discount": 1.50,
  "aw_merchant_id": 98765,
  "aw_feed_country": "US",
  "aw_feed_language": "EN",
  "items": [
      "id": "P12345",
      "quantity": 2,
      "price": 12.50
      "id": "P67890",
      "quantity": 1,
      "price": 30.00

<!-- End of CwCD Parameters -->
/* ]]> */

Example of a data layer implementation

<!-- Sample Code datalayer push -->
"event": 'purchase',
"transaction_id": "1545c34e-691e-4726-aeda-b798df255e9c",
"value": 53.50,
"currency": "USD",
<!-- Start CwCD Parameters datalayer push -->
"discount": 1.50,
"aw_merchant_id": 98765,
"aw_feed_country": "US",
"aw_feed_language": "EN",
"items": [
    "id": "P12345",
    "quantity": 2,
    "price": 12.50
    "id": "P67890",
    "quantity": 1,
    "price": 30.00
<!-- End CwCD Parameters datalayer push -->

Set up with Google Analytics

If you choose Google Analytics as an implementation method, via eCommerce tracking, here are the . steps for implementation:

  1. Ensure that eCommerce tracking is set up where item_id matches the Merchant Center item_id feed. Learn more about how to measure eCommerce.
  2. Add conversions with cart data parameters such to enhance data and report metrics. Review the conversions with cart data parameters section above.
    • Adding the optional Merchant Center parameters will enhance data quality. This is especially important if you have multiple Merchant Center accounts.
  3. Import eCommerce into Google Ads. Learn more about how to Import Google Analytics conversions into Google Ads.
  4. Ensure that the Purchase conversion's "Conversion goal and action optimization" is set to Primary.

event: ”purchase”,
ecommerce: {
    transaction_id: ”T_12345,
    value: 7.77,
    tax: 4.90
    shipping: 5.99,
    currency: “USD”,
    coupon: “SUMMER SALE”,
    aw_merchant_id: “12345”
    aw_feed_country: ‘US”
    aw_feed_language: “EN”

    items: [
    item_id: “SKU_12345”,
    item_name: “Stan and Friends Tee”,
    affiliation: “Google Merchandise Store”,
    coupon: “SUMMER_FUN”,
    discount: 2.22,
    index: 0,
    item_brand: “Google”,
    item_category: “Apparel”,
    item_category2: “Adult”,
    item_category3: “Shirts”,
    item_category4: “Crew”,
    item_category5: “Short sleeve”,
    item_list_id: “related_products”,
    item_list_name: “Related Products”,
    item_variant: “green”,
    location_id: “ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo”,
    price: 9.99,
    quantity: 1

Set up with Search Ads 360

Follow the steps below for this implementation method:

  1. Make sure that conversions are already tracked via Floodlight activities.
  2. Update Google Tag or Google Tag Manager with parameters to enhance data and report metrics.
  3. Floodlight data will be passed automatically from Search Ads 360 to Google Ads after they are linked.

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