Use data to optimize your Search campaigns

After your campaign starts showing ads, you can easily monitor your results using either the Overview or Campaigns page.

Key performance metrics

Here are a few of the most common metrics for Search campaigns, in the order in which users interact with your ads. Conversions are one of the most important metrics because they allow you to measure what’s valuable to your business.

  • Conversion rate: Use conversion tracking in your account to measure your conversion rates and ultimately use them to help guide your advertising decisions.
  • Conversion value: Conversion values help you measure and optimize the true business impact of your ad campaigns more accurately. If you assign values to your conversions, you'll be able to learn the total business value that Google Ads generated, rather than simply the number of conversions that have happened. You'll also be able to identify and focus on high-value conversions.
  • Return On Ads Spend (ROAS): The specific ad revenue you’d like to achieve. You can use bid strategies to that target ROAS if you have conversions optimized for different values for your business.
  • Bid strategies: Your bid strategy status calls attention to the state of your automated bid strategy at any given point in time, and you can select bid strategies to optimize performance metrics. Learn more About bid strategies.
  • Conversions: When someone interacts with your ad and then takes an action that you’ve specified, a conversion is counted. Conversions can include anything from purchases and sign ups to calls to your business. You define what counts as a conversion when you set up conversion tracking. To see how many different conversions you received, segment your data table by conversion action. You can also view additional actions such as:
    • Call from ads: Number of calls from ads (for which you’ve set up a call feature) that last longer than a duration you specify.
    • Local actions conversions: Counted whenever someone completes an action that’s related to your business’ physical location. These actions include:
      • Local actions - Directions: Clicks on the “Get directions” button.
      • Local actions - Website visits: Clicks on the website link.
      • Local actions - Menu views: Clicks on the menu link.
      • Clicks to call: Clicks on the “Call” button. This metric is different than “Call from ads” because it only counts calls from a location-based ad or service. Keep mind, “Clicks to call” includes calls of any duration.
  • Impressions (Impr.): Each time your ad shows on a search results page or other site on the Google Network, an impression is counted. Impressions are most important if your goal is to raise brand awareness.
  • Clicks: When someone clicks your ad, a click is counted. Clicks can help you understand how well your ad appeals to people who see it. Relevant ads are more likely to receive clicks.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): Your CTR shows the percentage of people who end up clicking your ad after seeing it. A good CTR will be different depending on the product or service you’re advertising, as well as the network on which your ads appear. To boost your CTR, focus on crafting compelling ad text that’s highly relevant to your keywords. Learn how to write successful text ads.
  • Phone calls: When someone using a mobile-device clicks or dials the phone number on your ad, a phone call is counted. This metric is only available if you set up a call feature such as call assets, location assets, or call-only ads. You must also enable call reporting.
  • Cost: Amount you’ve spent during the time period you’re looking at.
  • Cost per conversion: How much, on average, each of your conversions cost.
  • Average cost-per-click (Avg. CPC): The average cost of one ad clicks. It’s the cost of your ad divided by total clicks.

If any of these metrics aren't visible in the Google Ads experience, you can learn more about how to use the Overview page, find the Campaigns page, and customize its table and chart.

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