There are two ways to upgrade existing Looker Studio reports and data sources to Looker Studio Pro: end user upgrades and admin upgrades.
End user upgrades
In an end user upgrade, individual users in an organization choose the content that they want to upgrade and use the Looker Studio Pro user interface to move their reports and/or data sources into either a team workspace or their personal Sandbox. Users will be able to use Looker Studio Pro features with their upgraded content immediately.
Learn how to add and remove team workspace assets.
Admin upgrades
In an admin-led content move, a Google Workspace administrator in an organization sets a default Google Cloud project for Looker Studio Pro. If users have a Pro subscription associated with that project, their content will be moved into their individual Sandbox locations under that project.
Learn how to set a default Looker Studio Pro project. Additionally, administrators may wish to prevent users from creating new Looker Studio Pro departmental subscriptions.
Additional notes about upgrading content to Looker Studio Pro
No matter which upgrade method is chosen, the following information applies:
- Upgrading existing content doesn't change that content's URL. Links to content continue to work as they did before the upgrade. People who already have view or edit permissions on the content won't lose access. There is no downtime during the upgrade.
- Moving content won't disrupt access to the content. Users will still have access to their reports and data sources during the move.
- Users may gain access to the content as a result of permissions that are inherited through the IAM hierarchy. For example, if a user has the Data Studio Asset Viewer role in the Looker Studio Pro project, they will be able to view the upgraded content even if it isn't explicitly shared with them. Similarly, generic roles like Project Owner or Project Editor will also grant access to the Looker Studio Pro content.