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Report settings

Configure global properties for a report.

The report settings panel lets you configure a number of general properties for the report.

To access the report settings panel:

  1. Edit the report
  2. Select File > Report settings, or right-click the canvas, then click Report settings
In this article:

Data source

Configuring a data source in the report settings panel is no different than adding a data source to any other component. That data source will be the default until you add a different one to any other component in the report.

Report-level data sources are a legacy feature that remains as a convenience for supporting older reports.

Date Range Dimension

Configuring a date range dimension in the report settings panel sets it as the default for the entire report. You can override this by setting a different date range dimension for a selected component.

Learn more about changing the default date range.

Report filter

Configuring a filter in the report settings panel sets it as the default for the entire report. All components that share the same (or similar) data source are affected by the filter. You can override this by turning off filter inheritance for a selected component.

Learn more about filters.

Google Analytics measurement ID

You can measure traffic to a report by entering a Google Analytics 4 measurement ID.

Learn more about measuring report usage with Google Analytics.

If the report is copied, the measurement ID does NOT get copied to the new report. This is to protect the privacy of the Google Analytics account owner.

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