Create a campaign group

Certain user roles can create campaign groups and plans. A sub-manager can create campaign groups and plans. Users who are assigned the sub-manager viewer role can't create campaign groups and plans.

Begin managing your fiscal year, quarterly, monthly, or weekly advertising spend in the new Search Ads 360 by first organizing campaigns into campaign groups that reflect your business structure, advertising focus, brands, or lines of business.

To create a campaign group, do the following:

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. In the left page menu, click Bidding & Planning.
  4. Click Campaign groups in the sub-menu, then click the plus button Add above the table.
  5. In the Campaign group name section, enter a name for the campaign group and select an owner.
    • Choose a name that identifies the group of campaigns or line of business. For example, for an electronics manufacturer, a line of business might be “Televisions”.
  6. If your manager account has multiple currencies, you can select a currency.
    • The default currency matches the sub-manager's currency setting.
  7. In the Campaigns section, click Select campaigns.
  8. Select the checkbox next to each campaign you want to add to the campaign group, then click Done.
  9. Click Create Campaign Group.

Alternatively, you can add campaigns from the Campaigns page.

  1. In the left page menu, click Campaigns.
  2. Select the checkbox next to each campaign you want to add to a campaign group.
  3. In the bar above the table, click Edit, then select "Add to campaign group" from the dropdown.
  4. On the “Add campaigns to a campaign group” page, choose to "Add to existing group" or "Create new group".
    • To add campaigns to an existing campaign group, click the campaign group name in the list.
    • To create a new group, enter a name for the group and select an owner.
      • A campaign can only belong to one campaign group. You’ll find a message if a campaign you’ve chosen already belongs to a campaign group. When you save a group, the campaign is removed from its previous group and added to your newly selected group.
  5. Click Save group.

You can also add a campaign to a campaign group from the Campaigns page by doing the following:

  1. In the table, hover over the cell in the “Campaign group” column.
  2. Click the pencil icon .
  3. Select the campaign group name from the dropdown.
The campaigns table lists only campaigns that match the selected currency
If you don’t find the “Campaign group” column, do the following:
  1. Click ColumnsIcon for customizing the columns listed on the Customer page from the table toolbar and select “Modify Columns”.
  2. Click All columns and then click Attributes to expand the section.
  3. Select the checkbox for “Campaign group”.
  4. Click Apply. The column should now display in the table.

Use a filter to find campaigns

Apply a filter to identify the campaigns that you want to include or exclude from a campaign group. A filter allows you to specify attributes, such as bid strategy, Target CPA, Target ROAS, or any custom dimensions, that you've added to Search Ads 360. Learn how to Filter data in a table.

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