Templates automation

This article describes the full Templates feature functionality, which will be released in phases. Learn more about Templates functionality.

In Templates, the new Search Ads 360 automatically adds, removes, and changes campaign structure as feed data changes. If campaign structure is changed due to feed data changes, the associated metrics are retained. If campaign structure is removed due to feed data changes, the associated metrics are deleted.

The following are examples of automatic changes:

  • If you update the price of an item in a feed, then for templates that use the "Price" column, the new Search Ads 360 updates the existing ads to reflect the new price.
  • Because Yahoo! JAPAN Ads doesn’t support editable responsive search ads (RSAs), the new Search Ads 360 removes the existing RSA and creates a new one to reflect the new price.
  • If a brand of products in the feed expires, the campaign structure, targeting, and creatives that were generated to advertise that brand are removed. If you reactivate the brand in your feed, the new Search Ads 360 generates new items.
    • You can also use template status settings to pause campaigns (instead of remove them), if a brand of products no longer exists in the feed.
  • If an item no longer exists in the feed, the campaign structure, targeting, and creatives that were generated to advertise that item are removed. If the product is added back to the feed, the new Search Ads 360 generates new items.
    • You can also use template status settings to reactivate existing campaigns when a brand of products is added back to the feed.

Example scenario

  1. On Monday, feed data creates a new campaign structure, targeting, and creatives.
  2. On Tuesday, updated feed data causes the campaign structure, targeting, and creatives that were created on Monday to be deleted.
  3. On Wednesday, updated feed data creates a new campaign structure, targeting, and creatives that exactly match those created on Monday.
  4. The new Search Ads 360 considers the campaign structure, targeting, and creatives created on Wednesday to be completely new entities, even though they are identical to those created with Monday’s feed.

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