Identify and fix template output errors

Feed data is likely to change over time. Successful templates might start to generate errors as feed data changes.

To help you identify errors, the new Search Ads 360 provides an “Error status” column in the “Templates” reporting table.

View the different types of common template errors that may occur in Troubleshoot template errors.

To identify and fix template output errors:

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. From the page menu, under “Tools & settings”, click the Templates drop-down.
  4. Click Templates.
  5. In the reporting table, find the “Error status” column.
    For templates with no errors, “No errors” is displayed in this column.
    For templates with errors, a red circle with exclamation mark is shown with the number of errors as a link:

  6. Click this link.
  7. In the “Errors > template_name” page, locate the “Error type” that you want to investigate.
  8. Click the link in the “Entity errors” column for this error type.
  9. In the “Errors > template_name > error_type” page, review the information for each error type.
  10. Look for patterns in the erroneous output to determine what needs to change in your template or feed.
  11. To update the template:
    1. In the left page menu, click Templates.
    2. In the reporting table, click  next to the template that you want to edit.
      If an item isn't visible in the table, click the downward arrow next to a template to see the template's children. For example, click this arrow next to a campaign template to see ad group templates. Click the same arrow next to an ad group template to see responsive search ad and keyword templates.
    3. Update the template settings.
      The new Search Ads 360 applies the updates the next time it evaluates the template.
  12. After the template is evaluated, confirm that the errors were fixed:
    1. From the page menu, under “Tools & settings”, click the Templates drop-down.
    2. Click Templates.
    3. In the reporting table, find the “Error status” column for the template.
      If the template has no errors, “No errors” is displayed in this column.
      If the template has errors, a red circle with exclamation mark is shown with the number of errors as a link:

    4. Repeat from step 5 to investigate and resolve the error.

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