Create a Floodlight instruction

Only users with Admin or Admin without billing roles for a sub-manager account in the new Search Ads 360 can remove Floodlight instructions. Learn more about user roles in the new Search Ads 360.

Google recommends a maximum of 100 Floodlight instructions per sub-manager account.

To create a Floodlight instruction, do the following:

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. From the page menu, under “Tools & settings”, click Conversions.
  4. Click Floodlight instructions.
  5. Click the plus button Add to create a new instruction.
  6. In the “Select a type of instruction” field, click the down arrow Down Arrow to select the type of instruction you want to create as well as the relevant properties. 
  7. Click the down arrow Down Arrow to choose where to “Apply this instruction to”.
  8. Click Save. Your instruction now appears in the “Floodlight instructions” table.

The instruction is applied to new conversions going forward. In some situations (for example, data reprocessing), the new Search Ads 360 might also apply the instruction to conversions that occurred in the past.

You can only apply a Floodlight instruction type once per level, so some instruction types may not be available. 

For example, if you've already created a “Change conversion ID source” instruction for All Floodlight conversion actions, you can't create another “Change conversion ID source” instruction for All Floodlight conversion actions. However, you can create a “Change conversion ID source” instruction for a specific conversion action or activity group.

Note that the lower-level instruction overrides the higher-level instruction.




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