Determining the content of the landing page
Retail web sites are often set up to display information about a specific product if the landing page URL contains a URL parameter with a product ID. In this case, a retail advertiser can add a URL parameter to a keyword or ad's Final URL. When a user clicks the ad, the click passes a specific product ID and triggers the landing page to display information about the product associated with the ad.
Here's how to pass a URL parameter that determines the content on the landing page:
Final URL:
Providing tracking data for the landing page
Some advertisers add scripts to their sites so they can collect tracking data on their own. For example, an advertiser may add a URL parameter to indicate that a visit came from a Google paid search click.
Here's how to pass a URL parameter such as src=google
to provide tracking data for the advertiser's site:
Final URL:
Final URL suffix (Google Ads only): src=google
URL template (Microsoft Advertising): {unescapedlpurl}?src=google
URL that is sent to the landing page:
Providing data for a tracking service
Some advertisers use tracking services in addition to Search Ads 360.
Here's how to pass a URL parameter such as cid=99999
to a tracking service in addition to the parameters from the previous examples:
Final URL:
Google Ads only:
Final URL suffix: src=google
Tracking template:{escapedlpurl}
Microsoft Advertising
Tracking template:{escapedlpurl}%3Fsrc%3Dgoogle
URL that is sent to the landing page:
Related links
- About URL parameters
- Add URL parameters to Final URLs
- Add URL parameters to a Final URL suffix
- Create custom parameters
- Use Search Ads 360 custom parameters and macros