Remove one or more ads in Search Ads 360

You can stop running one or more ads in Search Ads 360 by removing them. After removed, the ad will no longer appear or recover in your campaign. However, you can review the past performance of a removed ad.

How to remove one or more ads

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. In the left page menu, click Ads.
  3. Check the box next to the ads that you want to remove.
  4. Click the Edit drop-down in the blue bar above the table.
  5. Select Remove.
    • Note: Once your ad is removed, you won’t be able to re-enable it. However, you can review the performance by clicking the filter icon Filter above the table, and selecting the Campaign status as All. The removed ads will then show up in your table with a removed status icon .

Try pausing your ads rather than removing them. You can pause an ad and create a new one to experiment with different ad text, and compare how well your paused ads perform with your new ads. Follow our recommendations to make high-quality, relevant ads that will perform better and get you results.

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