
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Use your business data to manage campaigns

Apply business data

Best practice: Apply business data to campaigns. All ad groups, ads, and other items in the campaign will inherit the business data. If needed, you can apply business data only to specific ad groups, ads, or keywords. You cannot apply business data directly to product groups (product groups inherit business data from the ad group level or higher).

To apply business data to campaigns or items within campaigns:

  1. Navigate to the tab that contains campaigns or other items that you can apply business data to.
    For example, navigate to an advertiser and click the Campaigns tab.

    To apply business data to engine accounts, use reporting columns or bulksheets.

  2. Optionally use a filter to display only the items you want to apply business data to.
    For example, use this filter to see if you've already applied business data:
    Business data table-name  Does not have a value
    With this filter, the table displays items that don't already have data from Business data table-name directly applied. However, items in the table may be inheriting the business data from higher up.

    For example, the following filter displays only those items that don't already have a Brand directly applied to them:
    Brand.ID Does not have a value

  3. Optionally narrow down the list of items you want to edit by selecting the checkbox next to one or more specific  items.
    If you don't select items, the bulk edit will apply to all items in the current scope (and that match any filters you've specified).

  4. Above the reporting table, click Edit ▼ and select Change business data.

  5. In the Change business data panel:

    1. Select Add.

    2. From the Select a table list, select a business data table.
      The list contains all business data tables in your advertiser.

    3. From the Select a business data row list, select one business data row.
      The list shows the value of each row's ID column. 
      Select a business data table and row.

    Learn more about options for scheduling this edit to occur later, to recur periodically, or to revert your change at a specific time.

  6. Click Save.
    Above the reporting table, Search Ads 360 reports the progress of the bulk edit.

Cancel an edit that's in progress

  1. Click More details to see the Bulk operations page.
  2. In the Results column click Cancel.
  3. After Search Ads 360 cancels the edit, click Download report in the Results column to see which edits were fully processed before cancellation.

Confirm that data was applied

To confirm that the data was applied correctly, view the business data that's applied to items.

Alternative: use reporting columns to apply business data

If you're already viewing the business data that's applied to items, you can apply or change business data directly from the business data columns in the reporting table:

  1. Navigate to the tab that contains engine accounts, campaigns, or other items that you can apply business data to.
    For example, navigate to an advertiser and click the Campaigns tab.

  2. Optionally use a filter to display only the items you want to apply business data to.
    For example, use a filter to display only active manual keyword campaigns with names that start with "US -"

  3. View the business data that's applied to items:

    1. Click the Columns button, which appears above the performance summary graph.

    2. Under Available columns, click Business data.
      You'll see a list of columns from all of your business data tables, including the ID columns.

    3. Click + next to the ID column for the type of data you want to apply.
      For example, to apply Dealership data, click + next to Dealership.ID.
      Click + next to the ID column for the type of data you want to apply.

    4. Optionally click + next to other business data columns that might help you identify the data you want to apply.
      For example, add Dealership.Name so you'll be able to confirm the name when you apply data.

    5. Click Apply.

  4. Use the ID column to select and apply data:

    1. Click in the ID column you added in the previous steps.
      Search Ads 360 displays the IDs from each row in the business data table.
      For example, if you click in the Car Model.ID column, you'll see a list of IDs for all car models that have been created in your advertiser.
      When the advertiser selects an ID, the entire row of Business Data automatically applies to the campaign.

    2. Optionally use the search box to search for an ID.

    3. Select one of the IDs.
      Search Ads 360 applies all of the data from the row, including data that the row includes by reference. For example, if you added the Car Model.Trim column to the table, you'll see the trim level of the car associated with the value in the Car Model.ID column.

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Click your way through a step-by-step example of setting up business data

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