If you aren't using Google Workspace for Education, learn how to get more user accounts here.
Google Workspace for Education domains created on or after November 13, 2024 provide 2,500 Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals licenses.
Request additional licenses
- Check how many of your licenses you're currently using—Any requests for additional licenses will be rejected if you aren't already using the licenses available to you.
In your Google Admin console, you can download a list of users to know the total number of accounts you have available.
Note: If your Google Workspace for Education domain was created on or after November 13, 2024, you can see the total number of available licenses in your Admin console.
- Request additional licenses—If you need additional licenses, contact Google Workspace support. You'll be asked to provide detailed information, like total student enrollment and current active usage. Requests may take up to 2 weeks to process.
- Add the accounts—If you're approved for additional licenses, add the users to your Google Admin console.