About custom columns in templates

Use custom columns in the Templates feature to generate campaign structure, targeting, and creatives that are dynamically aligned with your company’s naming conventions, advertising requirements, and more. Create templates and custom columns to do the following:

  • Manipulate raw feed data
    • Configure and save custom columns in feed tables.
    • Configure custom columns at specific locations in templates. Template custom columns can reference feed custom columns.
  • Construct formulas within custom columns using feed columns and feed custom columns, functions, and operators. Include static content using plain text and numbers.
  • Have the new Search Ads 360 generate campaign structure, targeting, and creatives for each unique combination of values derived from the feed columns and feed custom columns used in the formula. These columns are referred to jointly as the multiplier because they scale the quantity of unique instances that the template generates.
  • Configure custom columns that can be referenced on individual feed pages. When creating templates, reference columns in the attached feed to define the generated dynamic content.

Features supporting custom column configuration

The following features support custom column configuration:

  • Create custom columns using valid building blocks and follow syntax rules to write your formulas as text.
  • Identify errors through red underlining that highlights issues.
  • Validate feed custom column formulas on any relevant feed page.
  • Use template previews to validate the transformed results before the content is dynamically generated.

Template custom columns example

The following example describes a custom column based on a “flights” feed that is referenced in templates. The formula for this feed custom column, saved as “LastSeats”, is as follows:

"Last " & to_text(f:"seats_left") & " seats left under $" 300 "!"

  • "seats_left" is the name of the existing feed column that contains an integer representing the number of seats remaining to be sold on the flight.
  • f:"seats_left" references this existing column in the feed.
  • to_text is a text function that converts f:"seats_left" to text.

Insert “LastSeats” in template custom columns using the following syntax: c:"LastSeats"

Understand syntax

This example demonstrates the following syntax rules that must be used in custom column formulas:

  • Enclose static text in quotation marks.
  • Don’t enclose numbers and operators in quotation marks.
  • Use the & (ampersand) symbol to connect each element in the formula.
  • Use specific prefixes followed by a colon to denote the data source:
Prefix syntax Data source
f: Feed columns
c: Custom columns
cd: Custom dimensions (coming soon)

Understand color-coding

Text color coding denotes the building blocks used in custom column formulas, including the following:

  • orange — static text
  • green — columns and functions
  • purple — numbers
  • black — operators and the connecting &

Access feed and template custom columns

View and edit feed and template custom columns at the sub-manager account level. Access the templates functionality through tools and settings   > Shared Library > Templates. View options on the page menu for both the "Templates" and "Feeds" pages.


On the "Feeds" page, above the "Feeds" table, click the Columns icon A picture of the Google Ads columns icon to create and view feed custom columns in the lower panel on the page.


Within the templates functionality, use the icons to identify dynamic elements that can be defined using formulas in custom columns.

Feed custom columns owners and users

Feed custom columns are owned by the sub-manager account. Create feed custom columns at the sub-manager level in specific accounts. All users at the sub-manager level can use configured feed custom columns.

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