Select assets to use

To expand your ads and show people more reasons to click, add assets (formerly "extensions"). Assets add useful business data below your ad—locations, additional links, prices, and more. 

This article lists the various assets you set up yourself (“manual assets”) in the new Search Ads 360, and when to use them. For a list of Google Ads assets that may show without set-up, see About Google Ads automated assets. For general information about assets, start with About assets.

Available asset types

Google Ads Microsoft Advertising Yahoo! JAPAN Ads
  • Sitelink
  • Callout
  • Structured snippet
  • Call
  • Lead form
  • Location
  • Affiliate location
  • Price
  • App 
  • Promotion
  • Sitelink
  • Call
  • Callout
  • Structured snippet
  • Sitelink

Before you begin

Keep these best practices in mind as you choose and set up your assets in Search Ads 360:

  • Use every availalbe asset relevant to your business—assets are free to add and they’ll show only if they’re predicted to improve your ad's performance. For more information on when assets show, see About assets.
  • (Google Ads) Consider adding 4 or more assets. For example, you could add sitelinks, callouts, structured snippets, and one additional asset of your choice.
  • If it makes sense for your business, create assets at higher account levels (for example, at the account or campaign level, when available).

Select assets based on your goal

Select your assets based on your primary advertising goal. Here are common advertiser goals and the assets that can support them:

Goal: Get customers to buy from your business location

If you want to direct people to your physical locations (like stores or restaurants), here are assets you may consider:

  • Location assets: Encourage people to visit your business by showing your location, a call button, and a link to your business details page—which can include your hours, photos of your business, and directions to get there. If you want customers to visit your business location but to call a centralized line (rather than specific locations’ numbers), use call assets (available for Google Ads) with your location assets. Learn more about location assets.
  • Affiliate location assets (available for Google Ads): Help people find retail chain stores that sell your products. Learn more about affiliate location assets.
  • Callout assets (available for Google Ads): Add additional text to your ad, like “free delivery” or “24/7 customer support.” Callouts can be used to encourage people to convert offline. Learn more about callout assets.

Goal: Get customers to convert on your website

If you want to direct people to your website, use these assets:

  • Sitelink assets (available for Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and Yahoo! JAPAN Ads): Link people directly to specific pages of your website (like “hours” and “order now”). Learn more about sitelink assets.

  • Callout assets (available for Google Ads): Add additional text to your ad, like “free delivery” or “24/7 customer support.” Learn more about callout assets.

  • Structured snippet assets (available for Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising): Showcase information potential customers will find most valuable by selecting a predefined header (like, product or service category) and listing items. Learn more about structured snippet assets.

  • Price assets (available for Google Ads): Showcase your services or product categories with their prices, so that people can browse your products right from your ad. Available in select countries. Learn more about price assets.

Goal: Get people to download your app

If you want to get people to download your app, use app assets:

  • App assets (available for Google Ads): Encourage people to download your app. Available globally for Android and iOS mobile devices, including tablets. Learn more about app assets.

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