Manage creatives

To see all the creatives in an advertiser, open your advertiser, then click Creative, then Creatives in the left menu. From this page, you can:

If you use your own application to manage creatives, your developer team can now integrate creative management tasks using the Display & Video 360 API.

See the list of creatives

There are two ways to view the list of creatives that have been added to your advertiser:

  • Gallery: Thumbnail images of each creative in a grid. Best for visually searching for creatives.
  • List: A table of creative names with review statuses. Best for performing bulk actions on creatives.

Gallery view

Use gallery view when you want to see all of your creatives or find them based on what they look like. To switch to gallery view when you're in list view, click Gallery view .

In gallery view, a thumbnail image of the creative is displayed in each creative card, if available. Display & Video 360 can't show thumbnails for some creative types in gallery view, such as video creatives. When no thumbnail is available, you'll see a default thumbnail image like this one:

Click on a creative card to open that creative's basic details page. Hover over a card in gallery view to see additional actions:

  • Select Click to select the creative for bulk actions.

  • Preview Click to see a full creative preview in a new window. Note: This option is not available for creative types that can't be previewed.

  • More Click to change the creative's status or edit its name.

List view

Use list view when you want an overview of the status of creatives in your account, or when you want to perform actions on multiple creatives, such as activating, pausing, or archiving. To switch to list view from gallery view, at the top right, click List view .

Add creatives

To add a single creative, click New creative, then select a creative type. Each creative type requires different assets and creatives must meet certain specifications. How to upload each creative type

To add many creatives at once, save time with bulk upload.

Copy creatives

To make a copy of one or more creatives, use the Duplicate bulk action on the Creatives page. Learn what's copied when you duplicate a creative.

Find creatives

Search for creatives

You can find creatives in Display & Video 360 by searching for any of the words in a creative's name. To search by name:

  1. Click the search box in the Filter bar at the top of the Creatives page. If the Filter bar isn't visible, click Filter Filter to open it.
  2. Type all or part of a creative name.
  3. Press Enter to search.
Search for a creative by name

Search for hidden creative types

Some creative types are hidden to avoid cluttering the creatives list:

  • Archived creatives
  • Campaign Manager 360 1x1 tracking creatives
  • Publisher hosted creatives

To include these creative types in your search results, you first need to apply the matching filter:

  1. Click the search box. In the drop-down menu, click Archived, Publisher hosted creatives, or CM Tracking 1x1.
  2. Click Apply. Only creatives that match the applied filter will be shown in the list.
  3. Enter your search terms.
  4. Press Enter to search. To go back to the list of non-hidden creatives, remove the filter.
Find the creative ID

Each creative has a unique creative ID, which you can use to quickly find and and open that creative. You can find the creative ID in 3 places:

  • Open a creative. The creative ID is at the top of the page, next to "ID".
  • Open an advertiser, then click Creative, then Creatives. If you're in gallery view, switch to list view, then find your creative in the list. You can find the creative ID in the ID column.
  • Open a campaign, then click Combined. Expand an IO to see everything inside it. Find your creative in the list. The creative ID is to the right of the creative's name, in the ID column.
Filter the list of creatives

To find creatives more easily, you can narrow search results by filtering them.

  1. Click the search box in the Filter bar at the top of the Creatives page. If the Filter bar isn't visible, click Filter Filter to open it.
  2. A drop-down menu appears below the search box with a list of filters. Click the filter you want to use:
    • AMP compatible: Creatives that are compatible with Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) inventory
    • Archived *: Archived creatives
    • Audit status by exchange: Creative approval status on a specific exchange
    • Authoring source: Products a creative was built with, if detected (currently only supports Ads Creative Studio)
    • CM Tracking 1x1 *: 1x1 tracking creatives synced from Campaign Manager 360
    • Dimensions: Creative dimensions (for example, 320 x 50)
    • DV360 status: Creative approval status in Display & Video 360 (for example: pending, approved, or rejected)
    • Dynamic: Data-driven creatives
    • Exchange status: Creative approval status for exchanges with their own review process
    • Fit to device: Whether creatives will scale to fit the width of the device they show on
    • Format: The format of the creative (for example, audio mixer, blank slate, or native video)
    • Policy: Whether a creative contains products and services related to certain advertising policies
    • Publisher hosted creatives *: Creatives hosted by the publisher
    • Responsive: Creatives that support more than one size
    • Source: Where the creative came from (Campaign Manager 360, a third-party ad server, or uploaded)
    • Status: Creative status, either active or paused
    • Tag type: Video tag type (VAST or VPAID)
    • Tag wrapping: Creatives with tags that are wrapped by a third-party verification service
    • Type: Creative type (for example, expandable, video, or native)

      * These creative types are hidden to avoid cluttering the creatives list. The only way to search for and view them is to apply the matching filter.
  3. Select additional filter options, then click Apply. Repeat these steps to add more filters.
  4. Only creatives that match all applied filters will be shown in the list. To go back to the full list of creatives, remove all filters.

For example, to search for only 300 x 250 expandable creatives:

  1. Click the search box. In the drop-down menu, click Type, then Expandable.
  2. Click Apply.
  3. Click the search box again. In the drop-down menu, click Dimensions, then 300 x 250.
  4. Click Apply.
Sort creatives

If you're viewing your creatives in a list

  1. Click the column that you want to use to sort.
  2. To reverse the order, click the up arrow Up arrow or down arrow down arrow.

If you're viewing your creatives in a gallery

  1. In the top right, click the title of the current sort, like "Name" or "Created".
  2. Click on the type of sorting you want.
  3. To reverse the order, click the up arrow Up arrow or down arrow down arrow.

Change the status of more than one creative

Use bulk actions to quickly change the status of more than one creative at once.

If you're viewing your creatives in a list

  1. Select the checkbox to the left of one or more creatives.
  2. A blue actions bar appears with available bulk actions:

If you're viewing your creatives in a gallery

  1. Click the checkmark on the top left of one or more creative cards. If you don't see a checkmark, first hover over the card and it will appear.
  2. A blue actions bar appears with available bulk actions:

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