About campaign statuses

The "Status" column shows information about the current state of each campaign in your account at the time you sign in to Search Ads 360. From this page, you can see the status of every campaign you've ever created and detect unexpected problems with your campaigns.

This article explains each campaign status, what it means, and steps you can take to fix any issues.

Before you begin

Learn how to Find your campaign status.

Campaign status

Your campaign status shows you whether your campaign is running normally, and how to fix any issues.

Campaign status What it means What to do
Eligible Active and can show ads. If your campaign is marked "Eligible" but you’re still not seeing your ad, find out why and fix it.
Paused Inactive because you paused it. Pausing a campaign means that your ads don't show or accumulate new costs until resumed. Find out how to resume your campaign.
Removed Inactive because you removed it. Removing a Google Ads campaign permanently deletes it. While other platforms may allow restoring removed campaigns, you cannot restore them from Search Ads 360. Learn more about creating and managing multiple campaigns.
Pending Inactive but scheduled to begin at a future date. Find out how to change your campaign’s start date.
Ended Inactive because it's past its scheduled end date. Find out how to change your campaign’s end date.
Limited by budget Active, but showing ads only occasionally due to budget constraints. Learn more about budget recommendations, then adjust your campaign's budget.
Not posted to external account A newly created campaign hasn't been copied (posted) to the external account yet. Refresh the page. If this status still appears after a few minutes, view and fix post errors.
Submitted (does not apply to Google Ads) Your campaign is under editorial review by the advertising platform. Sync the account to make sure you're seeing the current status. If you still see “Submitted,” wait for editorial review to be completed and then sync again.
Suspended (Microsoft Advertising only) Microsoft Advertising has suspended the campaign because of suspicious activity, and no ads are eligible for delivery. Contact Microsoft Advertising Support.


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