Find your campaign status

The "Status" column tells you whether your campaigns are active or not, and whether your campaign is limited by budget. You may also see a bid strategy status in parentheses "( )". These statuses, which are reported by the advertising platforms, let you know if your campaigns are running as expected, and help you address any issues that may be holding them up.  Possible statuses (depending on the type of external account) include Eligible, Disapproved, Budget constrained, etc.

For example, a campaign in a Microsoft Advertising account displays Budget paused in this column if you set a daily budget and the budget is exceeded before the end of the day.

This column doesn't report status for social or engine track accounts.

Dashes (---) in the Status column usually indicate that posting errors are preventing Search Ads 360 from obtaining the status.

This article shows you how to find your campaign statuses. Learn more About campaign statuses.

Before you begin

If you haven’t already created a campaign, learn how to Create a search campaign.


How to find your campaign status

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. From the page menu on the left, click Campaigns
  3. Look for the "Status" column, which should appear next to the "Budget" column.

How to filter campaigns

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. From the page menu on the left, click Campaigns.
  3. Click the filter icon Filter icon to reveal the “Filter” input field.
  4. Click where you see the flashing cursor to view and select your filter options.


Descriptions of status

Each type of advertising account may display unique status in Search Ads 360. For example, Google Ads displays "Eligible" as a campaign status while Baidu displays "Effective"  to reflect a similar status. The following links provide more information about the status for each client account.

Google Ads status

View descriptions of Google Ads advertising account status in Google Ads Help.

Microsoft Advertising status

Search Ads 360 doesn't support Microsoft Advertising delivery status. Instead, Search Ads 360 reports the status of a campaign, ad group, keyword, or ad in the Status column. 

View descriptions of entity status in the Microsoft Developer Network documentation.

Removed campaigns and other items

If you remove a campaign, ad group, keyword, or other item, Search Ads 360 can no longer check with the engine for status or other settings. All columns will show the value reported by the platform at the time that you removed the item. This is true if you use Search Ads 360 to remove an item or if you sign into the client account and remove the item.

For example, you sign into Google Ads and remove an "Eligible" campaign. When you view the status column, you'll see "Eligible" since this is the last status that Search Ads 360 received for this campaign.

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