Set up responsive search ad templates with template parents

Create a responsive search ad template

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to the relevant sub-manager account.
  3. From the page menu, under “Tools & settings”, click the Templates drop-down.
  4. Click Templates.
  5. Click the plus button .
  6. Click + Responsive search ad template.
  7. Follow the instructions in the sections below, starting with RSA template with ad group template parent pre-stage.
    Click Continue to complete each stage and proceed to the next one.

For general information about configuring dynamic template elements, refer to the articles About custom columns in templates and Configure custom columns in templates

Create in a paused state

Click Create in a paused state in the "Status" element during RSA template setup to create ads with status set to paused and managed state set to paused. This option must be used if you want to prevent direct editing of existing live RSAs when the new template is generated and evaluated. You can also select this option if you want to set up ads and get policy approvals before the appropriate time for the ads to go live.

Change managed RSA's statuses using bulk uploads

Changing the template status to "active" or "paused" does not change the status of related managed entities. However, changing the template status to "removed" removes the managed entities. You must bulk edit the managed RSAs to change their status as required. Learn more About bulk uploads.

In RSA templates, you can choose either existing ad groups or ad group templates as the parents:  

  • Ad groups alerts Templates that the RSA template builds RSAs into existing ad groups and uses the data for ad groups to generate and manage RSAs. 
  • Ad group templates alerts Templates that the RSA template builds RSAs into ad groups that the parent ad group template generates and uses feed data to generate the ad groups.

For dynamic settings in RSA templates, examples based on a flights theme are provided. You construct dynamic settings similarly through the pop-up formula editor for both the ad group template parent type and the ad group parent type, but the data you can apply in your formulas is different.

The setup process and example data used to describe each RSA template parent type is described separately in Set RSA templates with ad group template parents and Set up RSA templates with ad group parents. For both parent type examples, the same feed is associated: directly for RSA templates with ad group template parent types, but only indirectly for ad group parent types.

The formulas in the examples in this article are presented as you'd enter them in the formula editor. If you enter formulas manually supported by the "Columns" and "Functions" menus, you must enclose them in quotation marks (" ").

“Flights” feed table

In this example, the "Flights" feed table contains the following columns of product data supplied by a new Search Ads 360 customer, Example Airways. 

Example Airways operates two brands. Albatross Flights sells transatlantic tickets between the US and European destinations, while Golden Eagle Flights markets route tickets within Europe. 

The example feed table only contains information for one route for each brand to ease understanding.

Feed column name Column description Column value example 1 Column value example 2
"product_id" Flight origin airport international air transport association (IATA) code –destination airport IATA code CDignoredLHR SEA-CDG
"brand" The brand name for the flight Golden Eagle Flights Albatross Flights
"availability" Flight ticket availability Available Not available
"seats_left" Number of unsold seats on the flight 11 0
"origin_iata" Flight origin airport’s IATA code CDG SEA
"origin_name" Flight departure location Paris Seattle
"origin_country" Flight origin country’s name France USA
Flight destination airport´s IATA code LHR CDG
"destination_name" Flight destination´s name London Paris
"destination_country" Flight destination country’s name UK France
"price_usd" The flight price in US dollars 400 900

Set up RSA templates with ad group template parents

When you use ad group templates as parents in an RSA template, the RSAs are generated in ad groups generated by the parent template. The ad group template's feed data is used for these ad groups.

Click the headings below to learn about each stage in the RSA template creation flow, including stage settings with dynamic content examples. For dynamic content, examples for the ad group template parent type are provided.

RSA template with ad group template parent pre-stage

Stage Panel Applies to Settings and descriptions
“Pre-stage” "New responsive search ad template"  
  • Select Ad group template as the parent type.
  • Select one or more ad-group templates.
  • For ad group templates, the data source is inherited from the parent.
  • Click Add filter to define filters on the feed.

Stage 1 Responsive search ad template with ad group template parent settings

Stage Panel Applies to Settings and descriptions
Stage 1

"Template settings”

"Template name"
  • Required
  • Must be unique at the sub-manager level
  • Name your RSA template.
  "Ad groups"  
  • Inherited from the ad group parent templates selected at pre-stage.
  "Data source"  
  • Inherited from the ad group parent templates selected at pre-stage.
  • Multipliers define the columns from which the unique value combinations are derived. The unique value combinations determine the RSA  instances that are generated from campaign templates.
  • For RSA templates with ad group template parent, you must select the appropriate columns in "Multiplier":
  1. Click Select Multipliers.
  2. In "Select Multipliers", select checkboxes for the feed columns you want to use as multipliers, then click Done.
  3. Apply any filters to the feed to modify the multiplier.
  • For RSA templates with ad group parents, there is no multiplier.
  "Label associations"  

Associate existing labels with template-generated campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords.

Enter static or dynamic values. Learn more about associating labels.

Click "Add label" to enter additional values.

  "Custom dimensions"  

Associate existing custom dimension values with template-generated campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords.

Enter static or dynamic values to match against feed data to determine the custom dimension value to be associated. Learn how to Create and apply custom dimensions.

Click "Add custom dimensions data" to select additional custom dimensions to associate values from.

  • Select Remove, Pause, or No changes to set the template and both new and existing entity statuses when items are no longer found in the feed.
  • If required, select Create responsive search ads in a paused state. If you do not select this option, edits are applied to live ads on template evaluation.
  • If required, select Pause responsive search ads when a condition is met, then create your condition using a custom column.

Ad group template parent example

Ad groups are paused when the condition no seats left is matched:

f:"seats_left" < 1

Stage 2 RSA with ad group template parent settings

Stage Panel Applies to Settings and descriptions
Stage 2 "Ad settings” "Final URL"  

This is the URL definition for the landing pages users are directed to when the ad is clicked.

For all advertising platforms and client accounts:

  • Enter the ad "Final URL" using a custom column. It can be static text or dynamic values based on a formula including feed columns.

For specific advertising platforms' client accounts:

  • Click "Add a custom setting" to create different final URL settings by account type or specific client account to better customize your responsive search ad final URL structure.

Ad group template parent example

""& "/" & f:"brand" & "/" & f:"origin_country" & "/" & f:"origin_name" & "/" & f:"destination_country" & "/" & f:"destination_name"

The brand/origin_country/origin_name/destination_country/
destination_name columns become the RSA multiplier used to scale RSA creation.

An RSA is created for each unique value combination generated. For RSAs you must select the appropriate columns in "Multiplier" at Step 1.

Example output:

Custom settings can be used. Refer to the article Apply custom settings.
  "Display paths"   For all advertising platforms' accounts:
  • Enter display paths using a custom column. It can be static text or dynamic values based on a formula including feed columns.

    Click Add fallback to create fallback display paths. These can also be static text or dynamic values based on a formula including feed columns.

    Each display path can have static or dynamic fallbacks that can be configured as a custom column. Fallbacks are used when the original formula results in an invalid value. If multiple fallbacks are configured, when the display path fails the system checks through these fallbacks in order until it finds and applies the first one that's valid.

For specific advertising platforms and client accounts:

  • Click "Add a custom setting" to create different display paths by account type or specific client account to better customize your responsive search display path structure.

Ad group template parent example

Display paths are short and part of the URL. For example, if the feed columns origin_iata and destination_iata contain the respective airport IATA codes, the display path formula could be:



The origin_iata and destination_iata columns become the RSA display path multiplier used to scale the RSA display paths created where the value combination uniquely identifies a row in the feed.

An RSA display path is created for each unique value combination generated. For RSAs, you must explicitly define the multiplier at Stage 1.

Example output:

  • SEA
  • CDG
  • CDG
  • LHR

"Headline" (1- N)

  For all advertising platforms and client accounts:
  • Create each headline you require. These can be static text or dynamic values based on a formula including feed columns. Each can include a fallback constructed similarly.

    Each headline can have static or dynamic fallbacks that can also be configured as a custom column. Fallbacks are used when the original formula evaluates to an invalid value. The most common use case is when the headline is too long. The headline character limit is 30.

    If the display path fails and multiple fallbacks are configured, the system checks through the fallbacks in order until it finds and applies the first one that's valid.

For specific advertising platforms and client accounts:

  • Click "Add a custom setting" to create different headlines by account type or specific client account to better customize your responsive search ad headline structure.

Ad group template parent example

Multiple static and/or dynamic headlines can be configured.

Headline 1 (static)

Bargain flights this winter!

Headline 2 (dynamic)

f:"origin_iata" & " to " & f:"destination_name" & " with " & f:"brand"

Example output:

  • CDG to London with Golden Eagle Flights
  • SEA to Paris with Albatross Flights

Each headline can have static or dynamic fallbacks also configured as a custom column. Fallbacks are used when the original formula evaluates to an invalid value. The most common use case is when the headline is too long. The headline character limit is 30.

If the headline fails and multiple fallbacks are configured, the system checks through the fallbacks in order until it finds and applies the first one that's valid.

  "Description" (1-N)   For all advertising platforms and client accounts:
  • Create each description required. These can be static text or dynamic values based on a formula including feed columns.

    Each description can have a static or dynamic fallback also configured as a custom column. Fallbacks are used when the original formula evaluates to an invalid value. The most common use case is when the description is too long.

    If the description fails and multiple fallbacks are configured, the system checks through the fallbacks in order until it finds and applies the first one that is valid.

For specific advertising platforms and client accounts:

  • Click "Add a custom setting" to create different descriptions by account type or specific client account to better customize your responsive search ad description structure.

Multiple static and dynamic descriptions can be configured.

Ad group template parent example

Description 1 (static)

"Spread your wings and take to the skies with Golden Eagle Flights this winter!"

Description 2 (dynamic)

"Fly from " & f:"origin_iata" & "-" & f:"destination_name" & " between November and January!"

Example output:
  • Fly from CDignoredLondon between November and January!

  • Fly from SEA-Paris between November and January!

  "Ad URL options"  

For all advertising platforms and client accounts:

  • Create an ad URL option. It must begin with http:// or https:// (recommended). These can be static text or dynamic values based on a formula including feed columns.
  • Add a static or dynamic final URL suffix.
  • If required, select Use a different final URL for mobile, then enter this Final URL as static or dynamic text.
  • Create Custom parameter(s) to use in tracking by entering a Name and Value for each one you add. These can be included in the Ad URL suffix for tracking user information. 

For specific advertising platforms and client accounts:

  • Click "Add a custom setting" to create different ad URL options by account type or specific client account to better customize your responsive search ad URL structure.

Ad group template parent example

{lpurl}?campaign=[*Campaign*]&keyword=[*KeywordID]&o_country= & f:"origin_country"&d_country= & f:"destination_country" 

URLs must start with http:// or https:// (recommended). 

Brand becomes the ad URL multiplier used to scale the tracking ad URL creation.

A tracking ad URL is created for each unique value combination generated.

Example output:


Refer to the article Configure tracking URLs and custom parameters.

This URL uses existing advertising platform parameters (in this case, for Google Ads).

Stage 3 RSA with ad group template parent Confirmation

Stage Panel Applies to Settings and descriptions
Stage 3 "Confirmation” "Responsive search ads preview"  
  • The first 100 RSAs  are generated for preview.
  • Return to previous settings stages to make any changes you require.
  • Click Create template to create the RSA template. 


Set up RSA templates with ad group parents


RSA templates with ad group parents

When you use existing ad groups as parents in an RSA template, the RSAs generated are included in existing ad groups that you select. The data used for generation and management of the RSAs is from the parent ad group and associated items such as custom dimensions. No feed is directly associated with the new RSA template, and no multiplier is required.

Note the following when ad group parents rather than ad group template parents are applied during RSA template setup:

  • The RSA template you're setting up generates RSAs in any type of supported client account you're working within.
  • The data used in the new RSA template is the data used in the parent ad group and items associated with it, so there is no feed to select. You can view the data source that's applied during template setup, but you can't edit it. Any attached custom dimensions are displayed at Stage 1 "Template settings" in "Data source".
    • Make sure that custom dimensions are already associated with the ad-group parent and that those custom dimensions have values. If you associate custom dimensions but do not provide values, then the RSA template may not generate the entities you expect.
  • No multiplier needs to be defined, so you won't view this during template setup.
  • When you're selecting the ad group parent:
    • You can select any standard ad groups from search campaigns in client accounts in the supported, serving advertising platforms.
    • You can individually select ad groups or select all ad groups that meet the filter that you define.
    • You can edit the ad group parent list when editing the RSA template, but you can't switch to an ad group template parent.
  • Selected ad groups are added to a statically defined set of ad groups relevant to the new RSA template you're setting up.
  • Formulas can apply the following data through the "Columns" menu in the formula editor:
    • From the "Attributes" sub-menu:
      • "Campaign name", "Ad group name", "Daily budget", "Max. CPC", "Campaign status", "Ad group status".
        • These attributes are always present for selection. You can configure RSA templates using them even when the "Custom Columns" and "Custom Dimensions" sub-menus are empty.
    • From the "Custom Columns" sub-menu:
      • Any custom columns at the current sub-manager level, excluding feed-based custom columns.
    • From the "Custom Dimensions" sub-menu:
      • Any custom dimensions at the current sub-manager level. Manager-level custom dimensions are not shown. 

The ad group parents in this case are attached to the example flights feed described in the feed example. The ad group parents are associated with a campaign. You can reference attributes in the ad group and its associated campaign in formulas you define while setting up the RSA template. Additionally, you can reference the parent ad group and associated campaign's statuses.

In the "Flights" example for an RSA template with ad group parents:

  • A "Sales" custom dimension is created and then associated with the ad group parents, and a sale row is populated for Black Friday. This association also works for campaign grandparents, as the data is inherited from the ad group's parent campaign.
  • Each ad group is associated with the "Sales" custom dimension and the single rows' values.
  • As the RSA template is set up, some example formulas reference ad group parent attributes and the associated custom dimension data to define RSA template dynamic settings.
  • The Create in Paused state option is selected. The RSA template and RSAs can then be reviewed before the template is activated for evaluation.
  • Two Black Friday RSA ads are shown in "Preview" before the RSA template is created.
  • After creation, the RSA template is displayed at the top of the "Templates" table.. As it isn't part of a template hierarchy – unlike template-based RSA templates – it is shown on its own.
  • When the sales promotion has ended, you can pause the related RSAs.

Create a "Sales" custom dimension with a data row for a Black Friday flights sale

To create a "Sales" custom dimension:
  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. From the page menu, under “Tools & settings”, click Shared library.
  4. Click Custom dimensions.
  5. Click the plus button .
  6. In "New custom dimension", enter "Sales.Sales" as the name of the custom dimension.
  7. (Optional) Enter a "Description".
  8. Leave the "Owner" at the default setting for the current sub-manager.
  9. Click Save and Continue.
  10. Skip the download option.
  11. In "Data", select the newly created "Sales.Sales" custom dimension.
  12. In "Settings", add secondary dimensions and values:
    • Sales.Sale_name (data format: text).
      "Value" is set to Black Friday.
    • Sales.Discount (data format: integer).
      "Value" is set to 10.
  13. In the page menu, click Ad groups.
  14. Apply a filter to locate the ad groups to which you want to associate the "Sales" custom dimension. For this example, the ad group names are:
    • Albatross Flights/Seattle/Paris
    • Golden Eagle Flights/Paris/London
  15. Attach the "Sales" custom dimension to these ad groups.
  16. Populate each ad group rows' "Sales.Sale_name" field with the value "Black Friday".
  17. Populate each ad group rows' "Sales.Discount" field with the value "10". The parent ad groups for the RSA template are now associated with the custom dimension data that can be referenced in RSA template formulas. 

Click the headings below to learn about each stage in the RSA template creation flow, including stage settings with dynamic content examples. For dynamic content, examples for the ad group parent type are provided.

RSA template with ad group parents pre-stage

Stage Panel Applies to Settings and descriptions
“Pre-stage” "New responsive search ad template"  
  • Select Ad group as the parent type.
  • Select the ad groups you want to use with the template.
  • For ad-group parents, the ad group and associated item's data is used. No feed is directly associated.

Ad group parent example

For our RSA template based on the flights scenario, the ad groups selected as parents are as follows:

  • Albatross Flights/Seattle/Paris
  • Golden Eagle Flights/Paris/London

Stage 1 RSA templates with ad group parents template settings

Stage Panel Applies to Settings and descriptions
Stage 1

"Template settings”

"Template name"
  • Required
  • Must be unique at the sub-manager level
  • Name your RSA template.
  "Ad group"  
  • Inherited from ad groups selected at pre-stage.

Ad group parent example

  • Albatross Flights/Seattle/Paris
  • Golden Eagle Flights/Paris/London
  "Data source"  

No feed is directly associated with an RSA template that has an ad group parent.

The associated custom dimensions are displayed.

"Multiplier" is not present

For RSA templates with ad group parents, there is no multiplier.

  "Label associations"  

Associate existing labels with template-generated campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords.

Enter static or dynamic values. Learn more about associating labels.

Click Add label to enter additional values.

  "Custom dimensions"  

Associate existing custom dimension values with template-generated campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords.

Enter static or dynamic values to match against feed data to determine the custom dimension value to be associated. Learn how to Create and apply custom dimensions.

Click "Add custom dimensions data" to select additional custom dimensions to associate values from.

  • Select Remove, Pause, or No changes to set the template and both new and existing entity statuses.
  • If required, select Create responsive search ads in a paused state. If you do not select this option, edits are applied to live ads on template evaluation.
  • If required, select Pause responsive search ads when a condition is met, then create your condition using a custom column.

Ad group parent example

In this example, Create responsive search ads in a paused state is clicked. The RSA template will be created in the "Paused" state.

After creation, you can review the RSA template before activation and evaluation, and RSA ads before generation. View create in paused state.

Stage 2 RSA templates with ad group parents settings

Stage Panel Applies to Settings and descriptions
Stage 2 "Ad settings” "Final URL"  

This is the URL definition for the landing pages users are directed to when the ad is clicked.

For all advertising platforms and client accounts:

  • Enter the ad "Final URL" using a custom column.
    It can be static text or dynamic values based on a formula.

For specific advertising platforms client accounts:

  • Click "Add a custom setting" to create different final URL settings by account type or specific client account to better customize your RSA final URL structure.

URLs must start with http:// or https:// (recommended). 

Ad group parent example

The formula can be:

"" & Ad_group_name & "/" & Sales.Sale_name

Example output:

  • Flights/Seattle/Paris/BlackFriday
  • EagleFlights/Paris/London/BlackFriday
  "Display paths"   For all advertising platforms accounts:
  • Enter display paths using a custom column. It can be static text or dynamic values based on a formula.

    Click Add fallback to create fallback display paths. These can also be static text or dynamic values based on a formula.

    Each display path can have static or dynamic fallbacks that can be configured as a custom column. Fallbacks are used when the original formula evaluates to an invalid value. If the display path fails and multiple fallbacks are configured, the system checks through the fallbacks in order until it finds and applies the first one that is valid.

For specific advertising platforms and client accounts:

  • Click "Add a custom setting" to create different display paths by account type or specific client account to better customize your responsive search display path structure.

Ad group parent example

A static value is used: 



"Headline" (1- N)

  For all advertising platforms and client accounts:
  • Create each headline you require. These can be static text or dynamic values based on a formula.

    Each can include a fallback constructed similarly.

    Fallbacks are used when the original formula evaluates to an invalid value. The most common use case is when the headline is too long. The headline character limit is 30.

    If the headline fails and multiple fallbacks are configured, the system checks through the fallbacks in order until it finds and applies the first one that's valid.

For specific advertising platforms and client accounts:

  • Click "Add a custom setting" to create different headlines by account type or specific client account to better customize your RSA headline structure.

Ad group parent example

Multiple static and/or dynamic headlines can be configured.

Headline 1 (static)

"Bargain flights for Black Friday!!"

Headline 2 (dynamic)

"Sale.Sale_name & " sale coming soon, November 24th, 2023!"

Headline output in generated ads:

  • Black Friday sale coming soon, November 24th, 2023!
  "Description" (1-N)   For all advertising platforms and client accounts:
  • Create each description required. These can be static text or dynamic values based on a formula.

    Each description can have a static or dynamic fallback also configured as a custom column. Fallbacks are used when the original formula evaluates to an invalid value. The most common use case is when the description is too long.

    If the description fails and multiple fallbacks are configured, the system checks through the fallbacks in order until it finds and applies the first one that is valid.

For specific advertising platforms and client accounts:

  • Click "Add a custom setting" to create different descriptions by account type or specific client account to better customize your responsive search ad description structure.

Multiple static and dynamic descriptions can be configured.

Ad group parent example

Description 1 (static)

"Black Friday discount flights"

Description 2 (dynamic)

Sale.Discount & "%" & " off " &  Ad_group _name & " booked on " & Sale.Sale_name

Description output in generated ads:

  • 10% off Albatross Flights/Seattle/Paris booked on Black Friday
  • 10% off Golden Eagle Flights/Paris/London booked on Black Friday 
  "Ad URL options"  

For all advertising platforms and client accounts:

  • Create an ad URL option. It must begin with http:// or https:// (recommended). It can be static text or dynamic values based on a formula.
  • Add a static or dynamic final URL suffix.
  • If required, select Use a different final URL for mobile, then enter this final URL as static text or a dynamic formula.
  • Create Custom parameter(s) to use in tracking by entering a name and value for each one you add. These can be included in the ad URL suffix for tracking user information. 

For specific advertising platforms and client accounts:

  • Click "Add a custom setting" to create different ad URL options by account type or specific client account to better customize your RSA  URL structure.

Ad group template parent example

"" & Ad_group_name & "/" & Sale.Sale_name 

A tracking ad URL is created for each unique value generated.

Example output:


Learn more about Configure tracking URLs and custom parameters.

This URL uses existing advertising platform parameters (in this case for Google Ads).

Stage 3 Confirmation

Stage Panel Applies to Settings and descriptions
Stage 3 "Confirmation” "Responsive search ads preview"  
  • The first 100 RSAs are generated for preview.
  • Return to previous settings stages to make any changes you require.
  • Click Create template to create the RSA template. 

In this example, two RSAs are presented in preview.

As the Create in paused state option was selected in Stage 1 "Template settings", the RSA template is displayed at the top of the "Templates" table in the " Paused" state.

Turn down RSAs for a completed sales promotion

When a sales promotion has passed its end date, related RSAs created using ad group parents must be stopped. Stop the ads by pausing the RSA template from which they're generated.
To pause an RSA template:
  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. From the page menu, under “Tools & settings”, click the Templates drop-down.
  4. Click Templates.
  5. Above the "Templates" table, click Add filter.
  6. Apply a filter field and appropriate value to locate the RSA template.
  7. Click the Status icon on the RSA template row.
  8. Click Pause.

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